Student Advice

What is a Student Union?

Ben Maples  · Jul 11th 2024

Not every single university has a student union, but it is extremely rare if the one you are thinking about going to doesn’t!

Student union

At university, one of the many constants that will be there for you is your student union. A student union will be able to offer you help, support, advice and many activities to do as well as a place you can always go whenever you need.

What is a Student Union?

What is a student union?

A student union, or association is a student-run group that dedicates its time and resources to give the whole student community of the university, fairness, opportunities and a voice.

Depending on what type of role you wish to have, student union’s need all the help they can get from amazing and passionate students like yourself. Whether it is standing in a peaceful protest to get better muffins in the cafeteria or an admin role. They will list the vacancies they need and have and you can see what suits you best.

You don’t have to join the student union, it isn’t necessary to pass your degree or your Diploma of Higher Education!

Whenever there is a serious issue regarding students, a representative from the student union will get involved.

Does each uni have a student union?

Not every single university has a student union, but it is extremely rare if the one you are thinking about going to doesn’t!

They may be under a different title, like an association or body. You can usually check out if your university has one by going onto your university’s website, looking through your prospectus or even logging on to NUS’s website and finding out if you do have one near you.

What is a university Student Union?

What does a student union do?

They are in charge of anything social or organisational of the student body, which means students, and you! If you do have any issues or concerns or want to get involved, they are the place to go. They represent students’ concerns, views and aspirations, campaigning, and organising activities. The roles are endless.

However, if you want a more active role, like a president, you should speak to the past or the current president and ask for ideas. It is a big job that takes up a lot of time and energy and you will need to be passionately active in wanting a better time for all types of students.

Not every single university has a student union, but it is extremely rare if the one you are thinking about going to doesn’t

What can my student union do for me?

If you have concerns or issues that your personal tutor, administrator or lecturer can't help you with you should go speak to your student union. Even if you are thinking about setting up a society, or activities around the university it is a great idea to get them involved, they can help you out a lot and offer a lot of help and guidance.

Your student union is vital for you moving forward, the more you can use them to help you, the better. A student union is perfect for you if you're facing any issues and they will always be there for you.

What is the student union bar?

The SU bar is the Student Union bar, which is dedicated for social and activity purposes for students, whether it is a bar every night and opens during the day for society meetings. Check out their notice boards for the types of events and upcoming events in store and how cheap their spirits are!

What is a UCAS Student Union?

Does the uni have a part in the running of a student union?

The university doesn’t generally have a big role in the unions. Unions, associations or guilds get allocated money from the government, and most of the time they do extra events and activities to raise money.

This money could go to their student newspaper, newsletter, activities, talks, concerts. You can contact the union and ask what they are currently focusing on and the planning behind it.

If you have concerns or issues that your personal tutor, administrator or lecturer can't help you with you should go speak to your student union.

What is the NUS?

The NUS is the National Union of Students and this is for the entire United Kingdom. This is great, especially if your university doesn’t have a union or association to represent your student body. The NUS has done wonders for the UK, they fight discrimination, injustice, and constantly research and battle to give each student what they deserve whilst studying.

The NUS is made up entirely of volunteers and their aim is to make a real difference for students and represent the 7 million voices when they need to be heard.

Why is a student union so important?

Because they represent you! Whenever there is a serious issue regarding students, a representative from the student union will get involved, take part or attend meetings to keep the students up to date and informed about decisions and changes that may take place.

They offer you great services and opportunities, and above all, they work hard to make sure you get what you should from university.

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