23 courses found

Cover image of Lancaster University

Lancaster University

94% Recommended

Main Site · Full-time

Main Site · Full-time

Study Biology in our £50m Life Sciences Building. Study Biology at Southampton to tackle global problems alongside leading, active researchers.
Cover image of Newcastle University

Newcastle University

98% Recommended

Main Site (Newcastle) · Full-time · 127 Points

Study Biology in our £50m Life Sciences Building. Study Biology at Southampton to tackle global problems alongside leading, active researchers.
Cover image of University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool

100% Recommended

Main Site · Full-time · 127 Points

Main Site · Full-time · 127 Points

University Park Campus · 2 Options · 127 Points

University Park Campus · Full-time · 81 Points

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Study Biology in our £50m Life Sciences Building. Study Biology at Southampton to tackle global problems alongside leading, active researchers.
Cover image of University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield

99% Recommended

Main Site · Full-time