14 courses found

Study Level: postgraduate
Huddersfield ranks 2nd in Yorkshire for Psychology (GUG 2025)! Study Psychology at Huddersfield, gaining hands-on experience with EEG machines and VR systems, while learning from expert clinical and forensic psychologists.
Cover image of University of Bolton

University of Bolton

93% Recommended

University of Bolton Main Site, Greater Manchester · 4 Options

Cover image of University of Essex

University of Essex

94% Recommended

Colchester Campus · Full-time

Huddersfield ranks 2nd in Yorkshire for Psychology (GUG 2025)! Study Psychology at Huddersfield, gaining hands-on experience with EEG machines and VR systems, while learning from expert clinical and forensic psychologists.
Cover image of University of Leeds

University of Leeds

97% Recommended

Main Site · Full-time

Huddersfield ranks 2nd in Yorkshire for Psychology (GUG 2025)! Study Psychology at Huddersfield, gaining hands-on experience with EEG machines and VR systems, while learning from expert clinical and forensic psychologists. Huddersfield ranks 2nd in Yorkshire for Psychology (GUG 2025)! Study Psychology at Huddersfield, gaining hands-on experience with EEG machines and VR systems, while learning from expert clinical and forensic psychologists.
Cover image of Swansea University

Swansea University

99% Recommended

Singleton Park Campus · 5 Options

Cover image of University of Suffolk

University of Suffolk

95% Recommended

University of Suffolk · 6 Options