Bangor University FAQs

Does Bangor University offer Clearing courses?

Yes, typically, Bangor University will offer Clearing courses.

What is the main address of Bangor University?

The main address for Bangor University is: Bangor LL57 2DG.

What is Bangor University's ranking?

Bangor University has an overall ranking of 65 out of 447 universities.

The university ranks high in other areas, too, including:

  • The university ranks 16 for accommodation.
  • The university has a ranking of 32 for course quality.
  • 77 for social life.

Uni Compare users vote for these rankings.

How many international students are there at Bangor University?

There are nearly 2,000 international students currently attending Bangor University.

Who is the Chancellor of Bangor University?

George Meyrick is the chancellor of Bangor University. Edmund Burke is the university's vice-chancellor.

What is the acceptance rate for Bangor University?

The acceptance rate for Bangor University is just over 60%.

How many campuses does Bangor University have?

Bangor University has only one campus.

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