A Levels

When is A-Level Results Day 2024?

Ben Maples  · Jul 4th 2024  · 6 min

A-Level Results Day is 15th August 2024. In the morning, you can expect your results to be live and find out if you’ve secured a place at university!


When is A-Level Results Day in 2024?

A-Level Results Day is on Thursday, the 15th of August 2024. Results are released at 08:15 in the morning. You’ll get your results either online through the exam boards' websites, your UCAS Hub and via your schools or college.

If you're in Scotland and registered with MySQA, then you'll be either emailed or texted your results at around 08:00 when they’re published. Scottish Highers Results Day is Tuesday, the 6th of August 2024.

A-level Results Day

What do I do on A-Level Results Day?

A-Level Results Day is a pretty hectic day for everyone! Take a deep breath and take things one step at a time.

Find out what time your school or college opens so you can go and get your results. Even though you can get your results online, it's still best to go to school, in case you need to assess your options after you get your results.

On A-Level Results Day, you should have with you:

  • Your phone
  • A pen
  • A copy of your personal statement
  • Your GCSE results
  • Calculator – if your phone doesn’t have one (to work out your UCAS Tariff Points)
  • Your UCAS letter – with your UCAS number and conditional offer grades
  • Copy of your references, and their contact details
  • Do you have any Clearing open days or virtual tours available?

If you go into school, then you just need to bring a notepad and a pen to write down helpful advice and information from your teachers and careers advisers.

A-level Results

How to prepare for A-Level Results Day

We know how nervous you’ll feel the night before and the morning of. Here are some ways you can prepare to help calm yourself ahead of the day.

Know the process

Make sure you know how processes like Clearing work. Look into the different services that UCAS offer like Clearing Plus and make sure you know all about your school’s appeal process or what the process is for retaking your exams.

StarCheck Out Courses in Clearing! Star

A-level Results Day

Research universities and courses

You might not be entering Clearing, but it’s always best to prepare, just in case. Have a look at other universities and their courses and see if any of those might appeal to you if your grades are different than you expected. You can also download the Clearing app where you’ll receive live updates on Clearing places available.

Questions for your university

Think about what you need to know from your university too! Prepare a few questions that you need to ask them, such as:

  • Can I still apply for accommodation?
  • Is there a chance to speak to any current students?
  • What support services does the university have available?
  • Do you have any Clearing open days or virtual tours available?

A Level Results

Make sure you're prepared

Prepare to succeed! Make sure you know everything you need to do on Results Day. The best way to do this is to make a list of everything you need to do.

You should be prepared to:

  • Speak to your university
  • Sort out and finalise your student finance
  • Organise student accommodation

If you've done all those things, then you're free to go and enjoy your summer! Spend time ticking off the things you've bought for your university checklist and enjoy the sun!

Results Day A-level


At this point, things are out of your hands. There’s nothing more you can do, so just relax and take the time to de-stress.

What if I get different A-Levels than I was expecting?

Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of options open to you! You can look into retaking your A-Levels and then reapplying next year. This gives you the chance to improve your grade and means you can still attend the university you've got your heart set on.

Another option is Clearing. Clearing is a process that allows students who achieve different grades than predicted (better or worse) to choose a different course.

Equally, if you don't know what you want to do, you can always take a gap year! Gap years can be anything you want them to be, whether that be doing an apprenticeship abroad, getting a job, or travelling! A gap year is a great chance to put life on pause and evaluate your options.

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