University of Bolton FAQs

Does University of Bolton offer Clearing courses?

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What is the main address of University of Bolton?

University of Bolton's main address is University of Bolton, Deane Road , Bolton , BL3 5AB.

What is the rank of University of Bolton?

University of Bolton ranks well in many areas.

The university ranks for:

  • 103 for accommodation.
  • 95 for course quality.
  • 123 for graduate careers.
  • 88 for student life.
  • 88 in England.

The university also has an overall recommendation rating of 100. These ranks are voted for by Uni Compare users.

Is University of Bolton a Russell Group university?

University of Bolton is a member of the Million+ group. However, the university is not a part of the Russell Group of Universities.

How many campuses does University of Bolton have?

The university has only one campus in the UK. Despite this, University of Bolton does also have an academic centre in Ras Al Khaimah, in the United Arab Emirates.

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