50 courses found

Cover image of Durham University

Durham University

93% Recommended

Durham City · Full-time · 127 Points

Durham City · Full-time · 127 Points

Explore the secrets of the universe! Choose QMUL for Physics and study dynamic modules, learn from world-class researchers and specialise in your chosen branch of physics!
Main Site · Full-time · 127 Points

Main Site · Full-time

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Cover image of Keele University

Keele University

97% Recommended

Main Site · 3 Options · 120 Points

Main Site · 3 Options · 120 Points

Are you always watching international Politics? Learn more about the political theories and international relations behind it all by studying Politics at SOAS.
Main Site · Full-time · 48 Points

Main Site · Full-time · 48 Points

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Main Site · Full-time · 127 Points

Main Site · Full-time · 127 Points

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Dive into captivating and exclusive topics! Excel on one of our Institute of Physics accredited degrees and transfer to our flagship programmes at CERN and Harvard.
Central area campus · Full-time · 114 Points

Central area campus · Full-time · 114 Points

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Cover image of University of Leeds

University of Leeds

96% Recommended

Main Site · Full-time · 48 Points

Main Site · Full-time · 48 Points

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