City and Islington College FAQs

Does City and Islington College offer Clearing courses?

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What is the rank of City and Islington College?

City and Islington College ranks highly in many areas.

The university ranks for:

  • 300 for accommodation.
  • 300 for course quality.
  • 300 for graduate careers.
  • 300 for student life.
  • 259 in England.

The university also has an overall recommendation rating of 0. These ranks are voted for by Uni Compare users.

How many campuses does City and Islington College have?

City and Islington College has several four different centres.

These include:

  • Centre for Applied Sciences
  • Centre for Business, Arts and Technology (including health, social and childcare)
  • Centre for Lifelong Learning
  • Sixth Form College

Specific courses must be studied at particular campuses.

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