Student Reviews
Based on total 6 reviews
Top Student Review
History, Year 3
Student Reviews (6)
History, Year 3
History, Year 2
We do too much in too little time
Courtauld University
Felt like I was only there for the diversity token
Unfortunately, I am a disabled student, teachers weren’t aware of my condition despite it being on my records until second semester after almost begging for my minimum support requirements, this inevitably made studying really hard for me.
The course quality itself was good and took advantage of what london has to offer but however assignments in my opinion were tentative and unclear to me as well as the student VLE page being disorganised making it hard to actually see when your assignments are due.
I’m also from a working class background and I felt so out of place as a uni that focuses on the arts and celebrates the history different cultures I’m so suprised that a good 80% of their students live in Home Counties 20 miles away from London, it would be nice to see an improvement of giving working class students the same opportunity to engage with the arts. There was a clear divide between me and the other students making it hard to relate and engage with the other students inevitably making the social aspect of uni difficult.
The facilities were good due to the partnership with KCL giving us access to their libraries and student union.
Horrible lack of any care for the students
I was due to start studying an MA in Wall Painting Conservation here around the start of the pandemic, and obviously it was delayed for three years. I expressed concerns over financing it after the pandemic caused some financial difficulties for me, and the head of the course told me I could commute to London so didn’t have to pay London rents and could keep a part time job while studying. I trusted him. When the course began, both of these turned out to be lies, and no lectures could be attended remotely. When I asked if they could accommodate be while I looked for a place in London, just if they could set up a Zoom or something so I could listen to the (very small classroom) talks, they wouldn’t. I had to drop out. I had risked a lot just applying to that course, breaking away from what my parents insisted I should do for a career, and now I have no hope of ever even doing the job I risked so much to try and gain. There was no support, or even the least hint of apology or regret, from the university. It all destroyed my mental health, which meant I couldn’t work for a few months.
My absolute hatred for this university and the people working there cannot be expressed in words. Do not study there if you have the least chance of any difficulties arising or hope for some vague pastoral care.