UCL, University of London FAQs

Does UCL, University of London offer Clearing courses?

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What is the main address of UCL, University of London?

The main address of UCL, University of London is UCL, University of London, 235 Euston Rd, NW1 2BU.

What is the rank of UCL, University of London?

UCL, University of London ranks highly in many areas.

The university ranks for:

  • 75 for accommodation.
  • 24 for course quality.
  • 6 for graduate careers.
  • 56 for student life.
  • 41 in England.

The university also has an overall recommendation rating of 96. These ranks are voted for by Uni Compare users.

Is UCL, University of London a Russell Group university?

Yes, UCL, University of London is a part of the Russell Group of Universities.

How many campuses does UCL, University of London have?

UCL, University of London has a plethora of campuses for students to study at.

These campuses are:

  • Bloomsbury
  • Mullard Space Science Laboratory
  • UCL Athletics Ground
  • UCL East
  • UCL Institute of Child Health
  • UCL Institute of Ophthalmology
  • UCL Medical School
  • UCL Observatory
  • UCL School of Management

These campuses are often part of existing buildings or businesses.

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