Student Reviews
Based on total 305 reviews
4.22 / 5
3.86/ 5
4.30/ 5
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4.22/ 5
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4.50/ 5
Top Student Review
slay slay slay
Student Reviews (305)
slay slay slay
University of Bristol: a short story
Maths at University of Bristol
Love uni
bristol uni review
Review of my experience at UoB
Student-focused, passionate lecturers, frontrunners in animal welfare!
The university as a whole is very student-based, meaning students have a huge input into how the university is run, with funding available to bring their visions to life. Again, having attended another UK university, I can attest to the sheer WONDER of the welcome fair! The fair is held up on beautiful Clifton Downs -- a geographical perk of studying in Bristol -- and there is literally a society to suit everyone. In my case, there's even a vegan vet society! Dozens of big name brands come to the fair with plenty of freebies to give out and the society, career and volunteering stalls are set up in circus-like marquees so it really feels like a grand day out... except it is free because you're a UOB student!