Student Reviews
Based on total 187 reviews
4.12 / 5
4.01/ 5
4.39/ 5
Course Quality
4.34/ 5
Student Life
3.76/ 5
Top Student Review
Investor Program Associate
Student Reviews (187)
Investor Program Associate
Better than I ever imagined!
University life
I would advise making friends within several different groups - while this might feel hard it makes accomodation choices towards the end of term 1 easier and less stressful it also is important for academics which very often include group work and projects. While cooking for yourself in my opinion has become a chore; it is totally acceptable to live of simple foods for a while ( term 2 was really the first time I cooked)!
Try to embrace freshers week and go out in the evening, especially when the workload is low. Understand that the new information is overwhelming but that your independence will grow and being a silly fresh is the time to make mistakes!
The World at Warwick
Now evidently the appeal for international students is high for a well ranked Russell Group University and Warwick offers just that pristine facilities and a diverse warm community on and off campus