Student Reviews
Based on total 147 reviews
4.17 / 5
3.76/ 5
4.25/ 5
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4.24/ 5
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4.45/ 5
Top Student Review
My University Experience
Student Reviews (147)
My University Experience
Totally Recommend
It's lethal
Psychology / Criminology, Year 3
Psychology / Criminology, Graduate
Business Studies / Management, Graduate
Aerospace Engineering, Year 2
Law / Legal Studies, Year 2
Electrical Engineering, Year 2
Business Studies, Year 2
I don’t stay in Strathclydes accommodation as I already lived in Glasgow before starting the course. However I have been to a few parties at halls and the rooms/flats are a good size and very handy for the campus buildings. Slightly jealous as I have to get up earlier in mornings than those that stay on campus. Staying in halls would be good for making friends as well.
Library is a good size! Lots of computers and areas for silent private study but also good areas for group work. At the business school there is a lot of group projects so the library is great for all meeting up to discuss a project. The new gym is also amazing! So big and always space on machines
I study business analysis and tech. I love the class as it’s a rather small class so it’s easier to get help if needed from lecturers. Also good as the full year are rather close and can help each other out. I also study business law and those classes are really interesting. The business school is great as it encourages you to attend networking/internship talks and meetings
Glasgow has great night life! Always a party going on! Glasgow is known to be a friendly city, if you need help just ask! Glasgow has so many good pubs/bars. Ashton lane in west end is my favourite. Especially in summer so nice to sit outside with a cocktail with the girls
It’s hard work and you need to be able to motivate yourself to keep going. Uni is not like school anymore. You have to get on and do things yourself. And at Strathclyde attendance Is not always compulsory so sometimes it is tempting to skip a lecture or class.but just always be careful and catch up and make the most of the good classes and learning that you will do. The uni is great, highly recommend! The business school is well known so it’s very popular