Available for Clearing 2024
Mae gan Gymru ddwy brif lenyddiaeth, mewn dwy iaith sy’n meddu ar hanes hir a chyfoethog. Dyma gwrs i’r rhai sydd eisiau astudio’r ddau draddodiad ochr yn ochr: yn Lloegr a Chymru o’r canol oesoedd hyd heddiw, a hefyd yng ngweddill Prydain a ledled y byd. Wrth ddarllen, ymchwilio ac ysgrifennu, byddwch yn magu sgiliau dadansoddol a beirniadol sy’n berthnasol i ystod eang o yrfaoedd.
Mae cwrs BA fel hwn yn rhoi ichi lawer mwy na thystysgrif: maen brofiad diwylliannol a rhyngddiwylliannol cyflawn a fydd yn eich galluogi i chwarae rhan broffesiynol yng nghyffro Cymru wirioned...
Mae gan Gymru ddwy brif lenyddiaeth, mewn dwy iaith sy’n meddu ar hanes hir a chyfoethog. Dyma gwrs i’r rhai sydd eisiau astudio’r ddau draddodiad ochr yn ochr: yn Lloegr a Chymru o’r canol oesoedd hyd heddiw, a hefyd yng ngweddill Prydain a ledled y byd. Wrth ddarllen, ymchwilio ac ysgrifennu, byddwch yn magu sgiliau dadansoddol a beirniadol sy’n berthnasol i ystod eang o yrfaoedd. <br/><br/>Mae cwrs BA fel hwn yn rhoi ichi lawer mwy na thystysgrif: maen brofiad diwylliannol a rhyngddiwylliannol cyflawn a fydd yn eich galluogi i chwarae rhan broffesiynol yng nghyffro Cymru wirioneddol ddwyieithog. Cewch astudio llenyddiaethau a diwylliannau ochr yn ochr ag astudiaethau ieithyddol, ar gwrs academaidd drwyadl sy’n berthnasol i anghenion cymdeithasol ac ieithyddol Cymru. Mae ein graddedigion yn gweithio mewn meysydd fel y gwasanaeth sifil, cysylltiadau cyhoeddus, marchnata, llywodraeth leol, darlledu, cyhoeddi, addysgu, cyfieithu, y celfyddydau a threftadaeth.<br/><br/>Mae opsiynau Blwyddyn Profiad Rhyngwladol a Blwyddyn ar Leoliad ar gael ar gyfer y cwrs hwn. Bydd gennych y cyfle i ystyried yr opsiynau hyn yn llawn ar ôl cychwyn eich cwrs ym Mangor a gallwch wneud cais i drosglwyddo i un o’r opsiynau yma ar yr adeg priodol. Mae mwy o wybodaeth am yr opsiynau hyn ar ein gwefan, ac mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiad.<br/><br/>Os nad oes gennych mor cymwysterau gofynnol ar gyfer cwrs lefel gradd hwn, neu os ydych am fynd yn ôl i addysg yn dilyn cyfnod i ffwrdd, yna gall Rhaglen Blwyddyn Sylfaen fod y dewis iawn i chi. Gwnewch gais am Cymraeg i ddechreuwyr (gyda Blwyddyn Sylfaen) Q565 neu English Language and English Literature (with Foundation Year) QQCF.<br/><br/>Wales has two major literatures, in two languages, with a long and rich history. This is a course for those who want to study the two traditions in parallel: in England and Wales from medieval times to the present, and also in the rest of Britain and around the world. As you read, research and write, you will develop analytical and critical skills relevant to a wide range of careers. <br/><br/>A BA course such as this gives you much more than a certificate: it is a complete cultural and intercultural experience that will enable you to play a professional role in the excitement of a truly bilingual Wales. You can study literatures and cultures alongside language studies, on a rigorous academic course relevant to the social and linguistic needs of Wales. Our graduates work in areas such as the civil service, public relations, marketing, local government, broadcasting, publishing, teaching, translation, the arts and heritage.<br/><br/>‘Placement Year’ and International Experience Year’ options are available for this course. You will have the opportunity to fully consider these options when you have started your course at Bangor and can make an application for a transfer onto such a pathway at the appropriate time. You can find more information about these options on our website and if you have any questions, please get in touch.<br/><br/>If you don’t have the required qualifications for this degree-level course or are looking to re-enter education after time away from study, then a Foundation Year Programme might be the right choice for you. Please see Welsh for Beginners Q565 or English Language and English Literature (with Foundation Year) QQCF..
Make new friends and life-long memories at Bangor University.
With accommodation guaranteed for all Clearing applicants, you can focus on, well, you! Advance your studies with the highest quality teaching, and grow in confidence with a supportive learning environment.
There are plenty of places to meet up with friends on Bangor's stunning campus, like Bar Uno, Pontio and Barlows. You'll get the chance to beat your personal best at Brailsford Sports Centre, race against the clock at the athletics track, play on the all-weather floodlit pitch and face your fears on...
Make new friends and life-long memories at Bangor University. <br/><br/>With accommodation guaranteed for all Clearing applicants, you can focus on, well, you! Advance your studies with the highest quality teaching, and grow in confidence with a supportive learning environment. <br/><br/>There are plenty of places to meet up with friends on Bangor's stunning campus, like Bar Uno, Pontio and Barlows. You'll get the chance to beat your personal best at Brailsford Sports Centre, race against the clock at the athletics track, play on the all-weather floodlit pitch and face your fears on the climbing wall. Bangor is home to a number of specialist facilities, including a Natural History Museum, Botanic Garden and research ship, as well as a replica courtroom and fully equipped media centre. <br/><br/>Bangor’s size and friendly nature makes it easy to get to know people. The beautiful location in North Wales is situated between the mountains and sea and has excellent transport links to major UK cities. It's time to make Bangor your new home!
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Year 1
UCAS Tariff96 128 Gellir ystyried cymwysterau Lefel 3 ar y cyd â chymhwyster arall yn y Gymraeg (e.e. Safon Uwch, IB Uwch). Ymgeiswyr Rhyngwladol: derbyniwn gymwysterau gadael ysgol a diplomâu colegau o wledydd ledled y byd (yn amodol ar ofynion sylfaenol iaith Saesneg), manylion yma: www.bangor.ac.uk/international/applying/entryrequirements Level 3 qualifications can be considered in conjunction with another qualification in Welsh (e.g. A-level, IB Higher). International Candidates: school leaving qualifications and college diplomas are accepted from countries worldwide (subject to minimum English Language requirements), details at: www.bangor.ac.uk/international/applying/entryrequirements Scottish HigherIsafswm o 5 Scottish Highers - efallai y bydd angen rhai graddau pwnc-benodol/Efallai y bydd angen Advanced Highers. Minimum of 5 Scottish Highers - some subject specific grades/Advanced Highers may be required. Access to HE DiplomaCwrs mynediad gydag elfen o Gymraeg. Pasio yn ofynnol. Access course with Welsh elements. Pass required. International Baccalaureate Diploma ProgrammeGan gynnwys gradd H5 mewn Cymraeg a gradd H5 mewn Saesneg Including grade H5 in Welsh and grade H5 in English Literature / English Language. Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)MMM DDM Byddwn hefyd yn ystyried cymwysterau BTEC eraill ar y cyd â chymwysterau lefel 3 eraill. We will also consider other BTEC qualifications in conjunction with other level 3 qualifications. OCR Cambridge Technical Extended DiplomaExtended ProjectGall y pwyntiau gynnwys Project Estynedig (EPQ) perthnasol ond rhaid iddynt gynnwys o leiaf 2 lefel A llawn, neu gyfwerth. Cysylltwch â ni i gael rhagor o wybodaeth. Points can include a relevant Extended Project (EPQ) but must include a minimum 2 full A-levels, or equivalent. Please contact us for more information. Welsh Baccalaureate - Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate (first teaching September 2015)Byddwn yn derbyn y cymhwyster hwn ar y cyd â chymwysterau lefel 3 eraill. We will accept this qualification in conjunction with other level 3 qualifications. A levelGan gynnwys gradd B mewn Cymraeg (neu radd B mewn pwnc Celfyddydau neu Dyniaethau a astudir drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg - e.e. Saesneg, Ffrangeg, Almaeneg, Hanes, Daearyddiaeth, Astudiaethau Crefyddol). Llenyddiaeth Saesneg / Iaith Saesneg / Saesneg yn ddymunol ond ddim yn angenrheidiol. Including a grade B in Welsh (or a grade B in an Arts or Humanities subject studied through the medium of Welsh - e.g. English, French, German, History, Geography, Religious Studies). English Literature/English Language/English preferred but not required. T LevelDerbynnir cymwysterau Lefel T fesul achos. T Level qualifications are accepted on a case-by -case basis. |
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Region | Costs | Academic Year | Year | |
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Republic of Ireland | £9,000 | 2024/25 | Year 1 |
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