The BTEC Higher National qualification in Sport & Exercise Science (Coaching Science) targets students wanting to continue their education through applied learning. This route provides a wide-ranging study of the Sport & Exercise Science sector allowing students to develop a broad understanding of the key disciplines.
Students will gain the broad knowledge and awareness of key disciplines within Sport and Exercise Science through modules that include sport & exercise psychology, anatomy & physiology, nutrition, training, fitness, testing and biomechanics.
The BTEC Higher National qualification in Sport & Exercise Science (Coaching Science) targets students wanting to continue their education through applied learning. This route provides a wide-ranging study of the Sport & Exercise Science sector allowing students to develop a broad understanding of the key disciplines. <br/><br/>Students will gain the broad knowledge and awareness of key disciplines within Sport and Exercise Science through modules that include sport & exercise psychology, anatomy & physiology, nutrition, training, fitness, testing and biomechanics. <br/><br/>**What will I study?**<br/>Students will gain the broad knowledge and awareness of key disciplines within Sport and Exercise Science through modules that include on psychology, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, fitness and testing, training and technology in sport.<br/><br/><br/>- There is a strong emphasis on employability skills and the knowledge essential for students with entrepreneurial, employment or academic aspirations.<br/><br/><br/>- The programme content is specifically designed to be appropriate to the needs of the sport and exercise industry and to enable students to progress to the second year of the FdSc Sport, Exercise Science and Health programme.<br/><br/><br/>**Learning and Teaching Approach**<br/>This programme is delivered with a variety of learning and teaching approaches to include all students’ learning styles and preferences.<br/><br/>For all modules, theory lectures are delivered that aim to deliver the core content and provide the underpinning knowledge. To complement the theory lectures, students have group seminars / practical sessions that are used to reinforce concepts delivered theoretically.<br/><br/>The teaching methods focus on facilitating a student centred approach to enhance the independent learning that takes place outside of the classroom.<br/><br/>**Contact Time**<br/>Approximately 17 hours a week to include lectures, seminars, practicals and tutorials. Students are also expected to carry out a significant amount of private study in addition to contact time (25-30 hours a week). A part-time option is also available.<br/><br/>Wednesday afternoons are reserved as part of the Football Coaching Academy, which allows those students with a passion for coaching the opportunity to access our college football teams to apply their academic knowledge through practical coaching.<br/><br/>**What else can I expect?**<br/>- Additional facilities include Science Centre, IT suites, dedicated University Centre, study spaces and social areas, and modern Learning Resources Centre.<br/><br/><br/>- Online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used to enhance and facilitate teaching and independent learning on all programmes.<br/><br/><br/>- Experienced, supportive and motivated staff with both academic and industrial experience.<br/><br/><br/>- Our experienced Life Coaches are on hand to help you through your University journey from mentoring and coaching to health, wellbeing and resilience. Learn more about how our Life Coaches can support you:<br/><br/><br/>- Talks from a range of visiting speakers.<br/><br/><br/>- Opportunities to attend trips to enhance learning.<br/><br/><br/>- Students have access to a range of support through our study skills, and health and wellbeing teams. Further information can be found on our website:<br/><br/><br/>- Relevant extra-curricular activity and/or work experience is encouraged of all students in order to enhance learning.<br/><br/><br/>**Career Opportunities**<br/>Students graduating from this programme could follow careers in sports coaching, sports development, sport or fitness duty management, activity leadership or progression to Level 5 study.