Understanding how businesses and their workforces function is a valuable asset in the working world. This course is designed to give you the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills that you can apply, in order to support the wellbeing and effectiveness of people and organisations. The BA (Hons) Psychology and Business combines both disciplines in order to provide you with a solid foundation from which to build a career and apply to employment and self-employment contexts. Due to the accreditation elements in both Psychology and Business, the course provides opportunity for ad...
Understanding how businesses and their workforces function is a valuable asset in the working world. This course is designed to give you the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills that you can apply, in order to support the wellbeing and effectiveness of people and organisations. The BA (Hons) Psychology and Business combines both disciplines in order to provide you with a solid foundation from which to build a career and apply to employment and self-employment contexts. Due to the accreditation elements in both Psychology and Business, the course provides opportunity for additional external recognition and endorsement, with routes into further specialist training and employment in both disciplines. <br/><br/>The joint Psychology element of the degree at BGU, accredited by the British Psychological Society, enables you to gain an in-depth understanding of the scientific nature of the subject and of its wider cultural and social impact. This course will develop your understanding of psychology and its theories of the mind, emotions and behaviour and become familiar with how these theories are applied in our lives, communities, organisations and societies. This allows opportunity to follow any of the BPS accredited graduate pathways, which we know from experience, can be reassuring when starting out as an undergraduate student. However, the combination does also provide you with the chance to focus knowledge and skills to a particular application of Psychology (the workplace), which will be beneficial in all elements of working life and specifically supports a pathway into Occupational Psychology. <br/><br/>Alongside the Psychology modules, you will study a broad range of complementary Business modules including Marketing, Finance, and Human Resources. Furthermore, you will also have the opportunity to achieve a Chartered Management Institute (CMI) qualification alongside your degree. The business curriculum is reinforced by its commitment to uphold the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The ten principles focus on key global challenges in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. As global citizens, you will develop a global mindset to understand, appreciate and take appropriate local or international action in response to these global challenges. <br/><br/>This combination of Psychology and Business is designed to develop graduates who are understanding of the complexities of the contemporary workplace and provides an exciting opportunity for graduates to be able to apply learning in the future.