The principle aim of the Masters degree in Strength and Conditioning is to prepare students for employment within the strength and conditioning industry. This is achieved through academic staff with both experience in the applied sector and currency of research within the strength and conditioning profession and related areas.
The programme also benefits from many industry based visiting lecturers. This is the first programme of its kind to offer a dedicated internship module through which students can gain academic credits while undertaking work experience in a club struct...
The principle aim of the Masters degree in Strength and Conditioning is to prepare students for employment within the strength and conditioning industry. This is achieved through academic staff with both experience in the applied sector and currency of research within the strength and conditioning profession and related areas.<br/><br/>The programme also benefits from many industry based visiting lecturers. This is the first programme of its kind to offer a dedicated internship module through which students can gain academic credits while undertaking work experience in a club structure, professional organisation or National Governing Body. The programme offers the following course specific compulsory modules:<br/>- Strength and Conditioning: Science and Application<br/><br/><br/>- Strength and Conditioning: Theory to Practice<br/><br/><br/>- Training Science<br/><br/><br/>**Please contact the Programme Director, Dr Jeremy Moody, to discuss Internship details:**<br/>**Email**:<br/>Tel: +44 (0)29 2020 5863<br/><br/>A key aim of the programme is to support students in line with the UKSCA competency framework and in preparation for UKSCA accreditation (ASCC: Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach).In order to qualify for the MSc, students are required to successfully complete a 15,000 word dissertation project.<br/><br/>**Possible exit points** - MSc/PgD/PgC