Do you dream of being a writer? Fantasise about seeing your name on the cover of a book, up in lights in the West End, or on the spooling credits of a film? Wonder how to gain access to the creative industries? At UEA you’ll find a home to nurture your creative talent and deepen it with the study of English Literature.
From day one you’ll explore the arts of fiction, poetry and scriptwriting. You’ll discover new writers and have thrilling discussions about the way texts are made. You’ll share examples of your own work to a constructive and supportive audi...
**Overview**<br/>Do you dream of being a writer? Fantasise about seeing your name on the cover of a book, up in lights in the West End, or on the spooling credits of a film? Wonder how to gain access to the creative industries? At UEA you’ll find a home to nurture your creative talent and deepen it with the study of English Literature. <br/><br/>From day one you’ll explore the arts of fiction, poetry and scriptwriting. You’ll discover new writers and have thrilling discussions about the way texts are made. You’ll share examples of your own work to a constructive and supportive audience of your peers. Outside the classroom, guided work patterns will help you develop a writing practice that will maximise your potential. <br/><br/>As a Creative Writing and English Literature undergraduate, you’ll spend half your time on Creative Writing and half on English Literature. You’ll explore and experiment with diverse genres, forms and subjects, from creative collaboration, to podcasting, to the fiction of the apocalypse. <br/><br/>You’ll be based in the UK’s longest-established and most prestigious Creative Writing department, which is part of UEA’s vibrant School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing (you can follow our activities on Instagram!). You’ll have access to world-leading facilities and resources, from the technological innovations of the Media Suite to the publishing opportunities of Egg Box, from the riches of the British Archive for Contemporary Writing to the world-famous Sainsbury Centre art museum. What’s more, you’ll live and work in the beautiful city of Norwich, a UNESCO City of Literature and home to the National Centre for Writing. <br/><br/>All the while, you’ll be acquiring vital professional skills and encountering people working in a host of creative and cultural industries. By the time you graduate, you’ll be a world-class communicator with a range of career paths opening to you, from publishing to journalism, from advertising to production – and, of course, being a published author! <br/><br/>**Disclaimer**<br/><br/>Course details are subject to change. You should always confirm the details on the providers website: **www.uea.ac.uk**