Student Advice

Criminology Degree Entry Requirements

Ben Maples  · Jul 6th 2023  · 4 min

Criminology is a course that focuses on different aspects of law enforcement and criminal methodology. It is one of the most popular courses in the UK and one of the most competitive to apply for.


The university entry requirements for courses change wherever you apply. Some universities will have different requirements and will also have different teaching methods. Having all the information you need regarding entry requirements is very important before you begin.

What are Criminiology university degree requirements?

What is Criminology?

Criminology is the study of crime. Specifically, it is the theoretical and practical study of criminal patterns and behaviour and a focus on criminal anthropology and psychology. Criminology will also focus on criminal patterns and behavioural analysis. Besides this, you will also learn about the various software and processes the police and law enforcement use in police procedures.

Criminology courses do not just focus on the criminal element. These degrees have also been known to focus on police procedure and victimisation and have also been known to touch on the socio-economic implications and causes of specific crime types.

Criminology entry requirements

The entry requirements and UCAS points requirements will change depending on where you study. Criminology is a degree that is often paired with other subjects related to the law or police procedure, so as a result, you may need different qualifications to rely on.

The most common entry requirements for a criminology degree are:

Type Min. grades/points required overall Max. grades/points required overall Average grades/points required
UCAS points 32 152 128
International Baccalaureate 26 34 29

Some universities may not accept specific qualification types. You are safe with A Levels. However, some universities may not accept students with a BTEC or T Levels. Check with the university before you apply.

What are Criminiology university degree requirements?

A Levels

A Levels are the UK's most widely accepted qualification type. All universities will accept these. There are no really set subjects you need to have studied to study criminology. However, it is recommended that you look at science-based subjects (chemistry and biology are usually best).


Most universities will accept BTECs. As with A Levels, you will not need to have studied a specific subject, but something loosely related to the degree, such as sociology, will be accepted.


GCSEs are not usually asked for when applying to a university; however, some have been known to ask for them. Generally, universities will ask you to have grades in English and mathematics. You will generally need to have a minimum of five GCSEs at grade C/4 or higher.

International Baccalaureate

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is for international students only. As with the other qualifications in this section, you do not necessarily need to have studied a specific subject to study a criminology degree at university.

Despite this, there may be some general grade requirements for you to meet. Most universities will want you to have a grade 4, minimum, in Higher Level English or will require a grade 5 at Standard Level.

What are Criminiology university degree requirements?

T Levels

Not all universities accept T Levels. As these are slowly beginning to replace BTECs, they are slowly starting to become part of the norm. However, they are still in their infancy. With this in mind, it is best to speak to your chosen university beforehand to see if T Levels are accepted and what scores they require.

What jobs can I get with a Criminology degree?

Criminology degrees do not limit you to just jobs in the police force. Of course, as it is a somewhat specialised degree, it is generally best to stay in the sector of law or police procedural, but other avenues can also open up if you wish.

Some jobs you can find with a criminology degree include:

  • Border Force officer
  • Charity officer
  • Counsellor
  • Crime scene investigator
  • Detective
  • Police officer
  • Prison officer
  • Probation officer
  • Social researcher
  • Social worker
  • Solicitor
  • Youth worker

You may also find other careers available too. It is common for people to move into teaching or more advisory roles. However, these are generally completed after you have worked in this sector for some time.

What are Criminiology university degree requirements?

How do I write a Criminology personal statement?

There isn’t a specific way to write a criminology personal statement. Your personal statement is your chance to tell universities about yourself, your abilities, interests, and hobbies.

As with any subject, it is important to speak about why you are considering studying it. Speak about specific milestones related to criminology, what books you have read, what films, TV shows or video games you have played that sparked your interest, or what experiences you have had that have manifested this interest in criminology.

All personal statements should see your personality shine through. Universities want to know about the person applying, what makes them tick and what kind of person you will be on campus, so remember to speak about yourself and not just the subject you want to study.

Can I find Criminology courses in Clearing?

Given how popular a criminology degree is, you should be able to find Clearing criminology courses. Of course, not all universities will offer Clearing courses, so you must keep an eye out for the ones you want to apply to.

If you cannot find the exact undergraduate course you want, you may be required to start at another level. This means that you will need to look at courses that have foundation years or look into the possibility of studying an HND or HNC beforehand.

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