Subject Guide

Anatomy Degree

Uni Compare  · Dec 7th 2023

An Anatomy degree is a fascinating insight into how the human body works, but also how our general make-up structure, DNA and physiology influences our everyday life.

Anatomy Degree

With the increasing love of all things about the human body, an Anatomy degree has quickly become one of the more popular degrees offered by universities today.

An Anatomy degree shares a lot of it’s DNA (pun intended) with a Physiology degree and shares a lot with other degrees as well, such as Pathology or even something you wouldn't expect, like a Dentistry degree and tries to give students an insight into the world of the human body.

Anatomy Degree

What is an Anatomy degree?

An Anatomy degree is a degree that focuses on living things, specifically, the human body. An Anatomy degree usually focuses on the human skeleton, organs and sometimes even includes operating on and possibly even dissecting cadavers.

An Anatomy degree does sometimes focus on animals and insects, though this depends what course you're studying at the time and if it is being studied as part of a joint honours degree.

It is quite common for an Anatomy degree UK to be confused with a Physiology degree or a Pathology degree, as they cover similar areas, but an Anatomy degree tends to focus more on the way the human body works, whereas a Pathology degree looks at different disciplines of medicine and pharmacology and takes an in-depth, specific look at the way the human body fights off diseases and infections.

What can I do with an Anatomy degree?

There are plenty of different jobs and professions that become available to students after they leave university. Not all of these jobs are necessarily related to working specifically with the human body, it is entirely possible to find work in laboratories, sales or even hospitals.

A common career path for students with an Anatomy degree is to become a Personal Trainer. A Personal Trainer is someone who helps people to achieve the fitness goals that they have set out, you are also expected to help people who are in need of rehabilitation, following illness or injuries. An Anatomy degree stands you in very good stead for this job.

No degree can guarantee students a job, but an Anatomy degree certainly opens more doors than your average degree does.

Many students also look into becoming a Dentist. A Dentist is someone who provides care for people’s teeth and mouth, they specifically look to help people with diseases and general upkeep. What is fascinating, is that students looking to become Dentists and who even study a Dentistry degree will learn about the entire human body as well.

It is possible as well to look into the possibilities of becoming a Biomedical Scientist as well. A Biomedical Scientist is someone who carries out a number of tests on tissue samples and various other fluids to help treat diseases. This often links into what lab-based Pharmacologists do.

With an Anatomy degree, many people also look into becoming a Physiotherapist. A Physiotherapist is someone who usually specialises in the training of people with injuries or are in need of rehabilitation. It is not a million miles away from the kind of work one might expect to find as a Personal Trainer either. A Physiotherapist needs to have an in-depth, full knowledge of the entire human body, which is why it is such a suited job role for Anatomy students.

It is also possible to become a Psychiatrist. Though you are mainly learning about the physical body on an Anatomy degree, you will also have some understanding of the mental health side of things as well and will be able to help with problems and issues in these areas too, though it is generally suggested that you have some kind of Psychology qualification, perhaps even a Psychology degree.

Anatomy Degree

How much does an Anatomy degree cost?

Costs for an Anatomy degree will vary depending on the university you attend and where the university is based.

Most universities in London tend to have a higher cost than other universities, which is worth bearing in mind. However, the average costs of an Anatomy degree are generally around the £9,000 mark.

Some universities will charge more or less depending on the length of the degree or if the degree is an undergraduate or a postgraduate one.

What A Levels do I need?

This will always depend on the university you are applying to and what grades they require you to have, but you will likely need a science-based subject, preferably Biology or Chemistry, as these link in slightly more to your degree than something like Physics.

You will need to have an ABB, though some universities will be a little more lax about their entry requirements, so it’s best to check with the university you're applying to prior to submitting your application.

How will I be assessed?

Assessment, again, depends on the university, but it will be a mixture of both practical and theory-based assessments.

With the practical side, you will be given the chance to operate and even dissect cadavers or other subjects to gain an insight into how the human body works. You may also be asked to show a knowledge or proficiency for lab-based work as well.

For the theory side, students will have to complete detailed lab reports, coursework, assignments, controlled assessments, examinations and dissertations.

It is possible as well to look into the possibilities of becoming a Biomedical Scientist with an Anatomy degree.

What skills will I learn?

All degrees give students a great chance to pick up new skills and also to develop further skills as a result of the course.

Your written comprehension skills will improve markedly when studying an Anatomy degree. As part of an Anatomy degree, you will be expected to write detailed reports and even to give detailed briefs for experimentations, so these will see a big improvement. Part of being able to communicate either instructions or findings in written-form, is what can serve as the basis for future explorations and discoveries, so make sure you get ready for a lot of writing.

A lot of students also see an improvement in their attention-to-detail. As this is a science-based subject, the details are the most important thing in the world, no matter their size or perceived insignificance. Paying attention to the details of an experiment or to a written piece of text is of paramount importance and should be respected.

While it is important to be able to work on your own in independent study, it is also important for you to have a keen interest in collaboration, so many students start to develop their abilities to work with others. Collaboration is vital in almost all walks of life and this degree will give you a really great chance to hone those skills further.

Anatomy Degree

Will an Anatomy degree get me a job?

No degree can guarantee students a job, but an Anatomy degree certainly opens more doors than your average degree does.

With the increasing love of all things about the human body, an Anatomy degree has quickly become one of the more popular degrees offered by universities today.

With an Anatomy degree, many students may find themselves having to take on various unpaid internships along the way, which can prove to be an underwhelming or otherwise upsetting prospect, but don’t worry, this is common for a lot of students after graduating from university.

Many students who had a placement year as part of their course, may have already built up a number of important connections for later, so we encourage you to use those where possible.


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