Submitted by Mert


Submitted by Mert

The idea of rewriting the sequence of nucleotides that code for all of our characteristics whether it be the colour of our eyes or the way our cells function seems like such a far-fetched, fictional concept, yet scientists are releasing journals discussing how yellow, three-eyed, wingless mosquitoes have been created with the use of gene editing tools. With articles based on the creation of 3-D shapes from living tissue in a lab to how ‘tiny machines’ in cells ‘massacre viruses’, it’s almost as if the journals were taken from comic books. From learning about inheritance and genetics in secondary school, to reading about ground-breaking discoveries allowing us to alter genetic codes, my interest in biology has always been evident, but has truly flourished at A-level.

My interest in biotechnology and microbiology stems, in part, from insecurities; the idea of erasing flaws and errors from our genes using technology such as CRISPR is a concept that genuinely excites me. Our bodies, as well as many other organisms consist of intricate systems which can be deciphered, replicated and repurposed with the knowledge and training offered by these courses. Many recent biotechnological advances denote that this is an up-and-coming field of work, with lots of possible pathways, further encouraging me to pursue a career as a researcher. My inquisitive nature better prepares me as in order to discover and innovate you must be eager to learn and ask. I’d like to think of myself as a keen student, I take pride in my work and always complete tasks and work to a high standard.

Science was a subject I’d look forward to throughout secondary school; I saw it as an opportunity to explore new concepts and to understand how certain mechanisms worked, but it also taught me to be far more analytical. A skill which I enjoyed, encouraging me to further pursue sciences at a-level. This has also helped me improve my laboratory skills as well as my extended writing. Constant practice and attempts at experiments has ensured that I’ve minimised the number of procedural errors made in any experiment. Also by following up on most experiments with reports, my scientific vocabulary and writing style have improved. I’ve learnt to think more critically about how I conduct my work or research and am able to produce clear, informative and concise reports to present my work; a skill I feel that will aid me in higher education.

In addition to my studies, working part time has also benefited me greatly in my time management and teamwork skills. By working with others in a professional environment I’ve been able to better experience how essential teamwork can be. As well as this, by having people who depend on the completion of my tasks in order to complete theirs, I’ve improved my ability to prioritise and delegate tasks to ensure professional environments operate smoothly. Along with these skills and many personal qualities I have acquired, I feel as though I’m ready to take on the challenge of higher education and look forward to pursuing a career in biotechnology.

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