PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Chemistry Personal Statement

Submitted by Filiz

Chemistry Personal Statement

Submitted by Filiz

Swimming from a young age always made me ponder the thought, who cleans the pool and how do they do it? As I grew older I realised it wasn't a case of who, it is a case of what. Essentially, chemistry held the answer. This example, along with many others, enhance my desire to study how chemistry works within modern day life. By choosing demanding A-level subjects that focus on essay writing with analytical skill and problem solving, I believe that I am able to excel in undergraduate study.

I take particular interest in green chemistry, inorganic molecules and IR spectra which explains my desire to study Chemistry. I find inorganic chemistry extremely captivating explaining my fascination with the Haber process; without this process a third of the population would not be fed. Global warming is becoming a prominent issue and the frequency of tropical cyclones is largely due to an increased consumption of fossil fuels, this has then led to technological advances that lie behind green chemistry. BTEC Science has strengthened my ability to analyse scientific techniques in experiments. This subject has enhanced my ability to work as a team but also to work independently when carrying out practical work. BTEC has taught me the importance of time management due to strict assignment deadlines.

Studying A-level Mathematics has given me the confidence to approach challenging chemical calculations. It's extremely rewarding to be able to apply my knowledge of finding the gradients of curves and use it for measuring the rate of reaction or my knowledge of natural logarithms and applying this to the Arrhenius Equation. Studying Mathematics makes me appreciate the fundamentals that it teaches and how they apply to the world of science. An important encounter with Chemistry that enhanced the appeal of the subject was a visit from PhD students studying at Cardiff University. They brought 'spectroscopy in a suitcase' allowing us, in small groups, to find the absorption frequencies of an unknown sample in order to identify its identity. Being pushed further using real life equipment elevated my desire to study Chemistry.

My dedication to the subject extends further than the academic side - in my year of AS Chemistry at St David's I was elected class representative becoming a vehicle for the student voice. In 2014 I was honoured to represent the United Kingdom for the Euro Project in Denmark. Team work was essential in this process with innovation as the topic of the 5 day project. I take pride in being able to balance the demands of A-level study with a part time job as well as other extra-curricular activities such as swimming for Barry Swimming Club. Swimming for 16 hours a week highlights my commitment and determination, attributes that would be transferable to university life. My part time job at a jewellery store has given me the refined understanding of how fast silver can oxidise dependant on how you store the metal. Through learning to play the piano and achieving a Grade 6 Merit, I have become a creative and fast paced learner, something that is useful when conducting chemical experiments. My quick thinking skills are also evident in my ability to translate Turkish due to my bilingual tongue. When in Turkey I often have to translate from English to Turkish for my Turkish family and British father accentuating my ability to relay information concisely.

Through my work experience at a Dentist's Practice I attained an insight into how chemical products are used in a working environment by aiding several dental procedures, highlighting my ability to adapt and learn at a demanding pace. The subject of Chemistry and its applications to real life is particularly fascinating to me; I fervently await the depth of knowledge that a Chemistry degree has to offer. I am a determined and hardworking individual, delighted at the prospect of studying exclusively Chemistry at university.

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