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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
All it takes is a short walk outside to begin to appreciate how complex and intricate our Earth is, how it has formed and changed over time to become the planet we know today. Since I took Geology at GCSE my curiosity for the subject has transformed into a passion. Each lesson taught me something new about the formation of the earth; how violent changes in the past and paleo-climates influence the Earth today while giving me a key understanding of the subject and solidifying my aspirations of having a career in such an interesting field. On a recent trip to Edinburgh, I really began to appreciate how the geology of a location influences how humans interact with an area, determining how it is developed and used. Whilst I was in Edinburgh I was constantly in awe of the geology; from Arthur's seat shadowing the city, to Edinburgh castle perched on top of a volcanic plug. I am fascinated by how geology has such a massive impact on human activity and how we as humans overcome the hurdles the geology of an area presents to us, for example, the challenges a fault line would present in the planning and construction of a dam for a reservoir.
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
For my A-levels I am studying biology, geography, and psychology, along with an additional geology AS level, these subjects have helped to develop my mathematical ability and have shown me the links between each subject and the wider world. I am also currently teaching myself coding in the form of Python, I chose to do this because I recognise that we live in a computer-centered world and the need for basic coding knowledge is almost necessary.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
In July, I did 5 days work experience within the Geotechnical Department of Mott MacDonald, a global engineering, management, and development consulting firm. My week in the department involved working on live projects for clients such as Severn Trent Water and Network rail, with some of the documents I completed being signed off to the clients. During my week I conducted a desk study of a proposed pipeline, this involved researching the superficial and bedrock geology of the route of the pipeline and evaluating the possible risks and challenges the geology might pose to its construction. I was also tasked to research the geology and borehole records of a 13 mile stretch of rail line in Cannock. The records indicated that the area was rich in coal which meant I then had to research historical mining records to work out if there were any mines in the area and then map their location using ArcGIS. This information was then going to be used by the design and construction crews to highlight any potential hazards the mines could pose to construction. However despite being mostly academic, I have also committed my free time to a variety of hobbies; for example, I was a member of the Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts (PQA) for over three years. Through PQA I played a lead role in a one night only production called Fright Night in Her Majesty's Theatre in London and in the same year I performed as Friedrich Von Trapp in my local amateur theatre society's performance of The Sound of Music. In the summer of 2017 I bought myself a 1990 classic mini to engage myself in something different. I am slowly doing it up in my spare time, along with teaching myself the mechanics of the car and the skills I need in order to restore the mini to its former glory. Additionally, I have two part-time jobs as a waiter, which, along with acting have boosted my confidence and helped develop my interpersonal skills. I believe that the qualities I have developed from my work and acting will benefit me with the transition from sixth-form to University. I feel my knowledge of Geology, as well as my enthusiasm to learn, will be very useful in studying Geology at University and will help me to discover where geology could take me in my career.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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