Table of contents

Why do you want to study this course or subject?

The multifaceted nature of law enables it to permeate so many aspects of society, involving itself with and evolving with current affairs. At a time where the threat of terrorism is becoming increasingly more prevalent, the likelihood of significant constitutional change and legislative upheaval is growing. It’s this indisputable relevance and impact law has on our society today that evokes my passion. Recognising the many potential interpretations of the law and thus the many possible outcomes for every case is an aspect of the subject that intrigues me. Observing legal procedures at every level helped me to lay to rest any dramatized preconceptions I had in favour of a more accurate insight into law; reinforced by reading ‘What about Law’ and ‘The Law Machine’. I feel enriched with some notion of what to expect from a career within the legal domain – a career I wholeheartedly hope to pursue.

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

I was one of the handful of candidates chosen to attend the Cambridge Sixth Form Law Conference. This gave me a taste of what it would be like to study law at an undergraduate level. Lectures on core modules were given along with law firm workshops and a debate. During this conference I attended a particularly fascinating lecture on legal problems. This inspired me to develop my knowledge on this field, choosing to complete an EPQ regarding our legislation’s potential problems concerning pregnancy and alcohol, using the CP v CICA case for reference. Whilst writing my EPQ, I become absorbed in the meticulous research and analysis essential to giving cogency to my argument. Although intense and demanding, the level of independency involved with the project alongside my genuine interest for the topic made it’s writing incredibly rewarding.

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

Completing work experience at a local solicitors has allowed me to differentiate between how law is studied and practiced. The experience was invaluable in allowing me to critically observe preparation stages of legal cases. I then felt inspired to visit Leeds Crown Court and witness the excitement of litigation at first hand. In respect of my extra-curricular life, I work as a part-time catering assistant in a busy local café. I have always prided myself on my excellent work ethic and time management skills, however this job has truly taught me the essentials of working under pressure and improved these skills further. I also volunteered at my local library for 18 months. Whilst at the library, I assisted with ‘Kids Club’ along with sessions with the elderly and disabled, hugely improving my confidence and skills in adapting to suit people from a variety of backgrounds. My hobbies and interests also play a huge role in my character. I have never been one to shy away from a challenge, completing Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award and now working towards Silver, attaining my PADI Open Water Scuba Diver’s Qualification and playing a key role in fundraising for and being part of a biological expedition to South Africa. I also play netball weekly for my local team to raise money for the Down’s Syndrome Association. I really relish the opportunity to lead, evidenced by my establishing of the sixth form debate club. I regularly take delight in assuming the role of ‘Devil’s Advocate’ for the purpose of arguing controversial viewpoints, irrespective of personal bias. All these activities have demanded a substantial degree of commitment, diligence and competence. Moreover, they have afforded me the chance to develop my cooperative skills and confident orating abilities. Through my enriching extra-curricular ventures, I feel well equipped and thoroughly excited for the challenge that studying Law at university would present me with.

Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.

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