Law Personal Statement

By: Kate · Accepted by Newcastle University

Table of contents

Why do you want to study this course or subject?

Without law, society descends into chaos. As a significant societal factor, law affects all people by creating equity for different races, genders, and social class. The Brown Vs Board of Education court case in 1954 was one of the most inspiring and important cases of all time. This case had a significant impact on equality within schools in the USA. It has inspired me to explore the subject of Law further combined with my interest in feminism which has developed over the last few years. I am interested in how law can further and hinder the opportunities and choices of women in society. I also passionately believe in equity for all people and would like to develop my understanding of the laws that govern members of society.

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

In my English Literature A Level, I evaluated George Orwell's 1984 and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, both novels conveying strict, totalitarian governments. My evaluation of these novels has fuelled my interest in how people are treated in contemporary society and how laws can protect or hinder people's lives. My excellent analysis and critical thinking around these texts resulted in me receiving a Jack Petchey Award. My essays were used as revision tools for other students, and I was given a grant to provide resources in the English and PE departments. The title of my Extended Project Qualification was 'How far did the Suffragette's influence women's rights in the 1900s?'. During my EPQ, I researched the Suffragettes' progress towards Equal Rights for Women, as well as 'The Battered Women's Movement' which was formed to fight and protect women against marriage laws that enabled men to sexually and domestically abuse their wives without prosecution. This area of history and the law has inspired me to question and analyse the position of women in society and how women's legal status has developed.

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

My visits to the Chelmsford County Courts have given me experience in how Lawyers interact with the Judge and the witnesses in question. One of the assault cases that I observed fascinated me and made me consider the evidence that I was hearing and how witnesses are treated in court. To enhance my knowledge of law, I have a work experience placement during December at Backhouse Solicitors in Chelmsford to give me a further insight into how the legal system operates. I have also attended lectures at various universities, including the "What is Equity?" talk at Leicester. This lecture gave me an insight into how law would be taught at university and how equity is used in the financial world. Outside of school, I was involved in the opening of the new John Lewis store in Chelmsford, where I was responsible for customer service, and currently, I am working at the Co-operative. Both jobs have given me experience in working with the wider public and being aware of company policies. Ultimately, I would like to be employed in a legal position where I can uphold laws which I regard as fair. Throughout my life at High School, I was a committed member of the Cross Country and Athletics team, this involved representing my school in District and National events and challenging myself personally as well as in a team. The successes I had included becoming District Champion four years running as well as reaching National Finals twice with my cross country team. These achievements combined with academic progress resulted in the honour of signing the Head Teacher's Book, thirteen times. I consider myself to be open-minded with good oral and written communication skills. I gained a position on the Senior Sixth as one of the Event's Organisers and use my persuasive skills to contribute and negotiate during group discussions with my peers. My experience with Scouts and the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Award scheme has enabled me to take on numerous leadership roles, problem solve and work in a team.

Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.

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