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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
Law is a timeless subject, using a wide range of acts made thousands of years ago to tackle the most current of issues. I am fascinated by the way in which the law can be moulded to fit any situation, applying to every person regardless of age, gender or class and more interestingly how this is a topic debated by many. It is this fascination that drives me to pursue a career in Law. I am particularly engaged by Criminal Law, as I believe it to be the most challenging, and this is the area that I would like to pursue in the future. I find myself being continuously challenged by Law, and I am often stretched which enables me to reflect on past experiences and improve my resilience in the future. I am aware that Law is a competitive field of study, and it is even more of a difficult area in which to secure a job. However, this is a challenge that I am more than willing to accept. I believe that competitive circumstances are ones in which I thrive, and when under pressure I am able to produce some of my best work.
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
I developed my interest in Law and the Criminal Justice system through my study at AS and A-level. From the offset I was captivated by the diverse nature of the subject, and its complexity. Alongside Law, I am also studying Sociology and Religious Studies. These are both essay subjects that regularly enable me to develop my writing and research skills, skills which I feel will act as a solid foundation when studying at your University. These subjects also contain topics which can easily be applied to Law such as ethics, morality and the power and influence of the mass media to name a few. Within Sociology, I am often required to complete extensive note taking and research. This means that I have grown accustomed to working independently, and at a quick pace in order to continually challenge myself. Furthermore, in RS I relish the opportunity to participate in class debates. This is an activity which helps me to develop my knowledge of the subject, whilst allowing me to hear the different opinion of others. This combination of subjects has allowed me to develop a wide range of skills such as empathy, teamwork and listening skills which will be of key importance to me whilst studying Law.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
I pursued my interest in Law by participating in a programme called 'Realising Aspirations'. This involved me attending a series of lectures on criminology and the criminal justice system, and then partaking in individual and group work based on the content covered in the lectures. This opportunity gave me an idea of what to expect at University, as it allowed me to become better accustomed to the teaching styles whilst developing my time management skills through independent project work. I have been in part-time work since the age of 14. This has taught me valuable skills such as how to work efficiently within a team and time organisation which will help me to manage responsibilities within University. Working has enabled me to strike an equilibrium in regards to a work-life balance. Employment has also enabled me to meet new people, and given me strategies with which to handle myself within many different situations, this is experience which will not only help me in higher studies but also in life. I am a studious, diligent and committed individual and I hope that you can give me the opportunity to prove this to you.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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