Law Personal Statement

By: Tasnim · Accepted by University of Leeds

Table of contents

Why do you want to study this course or subject?

Law is a complex and ever-changing subject with the ability to transform society. I have long been intrigued with the inner workings in regards to this, but my interest particularly arose following the OJ Simpson trial and the documentary series that came about as a result of it. Through this, it was reaffirmed how law is not black and white, but instead an epitome of perplexing and complicated notions. It’s a representation of how obtaining justice is a difficult process. And in the case of OJ, justice and victory was seen by one community whilst the other thought it was a terrible error in justice. This had a profound effect on the lives of many. Driven, articulate and diligent, I believe I will excel in this course and thrive, studying a subject I am truly passionate about.

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

During sixth form, I have participated in helping out with mooting at enrichment for children in lower school. Here, I had the chance to take a leadership role, where I was responsible for helping the children build and present their cases in the mock trial. I explained complicated aspects of the law for them and simplified it so they would understand. From this, I started thinking about a career in law and how I enjoyed being in a position to help people. At the end of Year 12, I had the opportunity to go to London and visit the Supreme Court, the Parliament and The Royal Courts of Justice. By watching cases here, it provided me with valuable experience as I saw the practical side of the law and how the courts worked to provide justice. It piqued my interest significantly watching the lawyers arguing their cases and further confirmed that this is what I wanted to study.

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

In the summer I completed the NCS award, where I volunteered at a disabled care home to build a sensory garden for the residents, as many of them had disabilities such as downs syndrome and cerebral palsy. I spent time with the residents, talking and playing board games with them and told us about their life experiences. During this week, I also learnt the basics of sign language such as how to spell my name and the letters of the alphabet. This was a skill I learnt that helped me with communication, as I had to build a relationship with the residents by listening to them and show understanding and respect, which I believe are fundamental qualities needed in a student of law. I have also volunteered at the Hyndburn Bangladesh Welfare Association which provides homework classes for children in the community. In this role, I improved my interpersonal skills as I had to develop and maintain relationships with the children and was looked up to as a role model. My part-time job waitressing at a wedding hall has enabled me to gain confidence and work independently but also as part of a team, under pressure to meet customer needs. On weekends, I take Arabic and Urdu classes as a way of getting involved in the community and as a way of pursuing my interest in languages. I have also learnt to speak Bengali as it is my mother tongue and these languages enable me to communicate more effectively with people who may not understand English. This, I think, is crucial in a growing, diverse community and it also shows how I am able to manage my time to balance my main interests alongside my academic studies. I enjoy taking part in sports and I am very competitive and would like to continue this in my university life. From being sports captain for netball in high school, to taking kickboxing lessons and achieving my red belt shows my dedication. I like to keep fit by going to the gym and swimming regularly in my spare time showing myself to be a well-rounded individual.

Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.

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