Law Personal Statement

By: Minwenhle · Accepted by University of Huddersfield

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Why do you want to study this course or subject?

My decision to study Law was never difficult to decide. Having always been inspired and motivated to fight for people's rights and witnessing situations which resulted in going to court had only added more passion to study law at a higher level. With each visit to the courts, I find myself becoming more interested and intrigued to become part of the legal system community. I know this is something I will do for the rest of my life. Having a law degree would allow me to follow my passion and also build a broad knowledge of the legal world. Whilst taking part in a summer residential, I was given the opportunity to have an insight into how Law is taught at university. This allowed me to become more confident that Law is what I want to do in higher education.

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

Studying Law at GCSE and A-Level has furthered my ability to analyse information, cases, and legislations and to use the information to form an effective argument. Psychology has allowed me to gain an understanding of human behaviour and behaviour categories. The chosen subjects that I have decided at college have allowed me to mature as a young person because health and social allow me to focus on how individuals in society can be mistreated and the effects that it has on them. Sociology has allowed me to analyse why some commit crimes according to theoretical groups. Whilst Law has allowed me to build on my passion. I decided to do an extended project on investigating if serial killers are born to kill or are they created by society. This gave me the opportunity to look at legal cases like Bundy, Kemper, and Garavito. Within this extra-curricular, I was able to learn how to make arguments by gaining evidence to back my claims.

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

During my time at college, I have been to Crown Court and the Magistrates Court as well as personally witnessing cases on domestic abuse and breach of a restraining order. This allowed me to gain an insight into how solicitors prepare files and interact with their clients and how the clients are treated before providing evidence in the court of law. In addition to this, I have gone to the courts several times voluntarily. I have recently taken part in the law society at the college. Currently, we have been making our own laws for the college, and in future weeks we will be conducting a mock trial. I have volunteered to offer the elderly a meal at college near Christmas time. This would allow me to learn about the community around me. My hobbies outside of college include gardening, reading books, and making images out of stars, which allows me to destress as they fascinate me, especially during summer. I believe I am the best candidate to study this course because I have the passion for it but also because I am able to adapt in different situations and act maturely towards them. As I have had personal experiences with the legal system, I have witnessed the work that an individual with a legal degree does as a glimpse. I know that communicating with clients and gaining the correct information is important. For this reason, I know that I will be an excellent university student as I will take all advice into account for my future after university.

Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.

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