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Why do you want to study this course or subject?

As I have long been drawn to pursuing a career involving healthcare and as I particularly enjoy studying Chemistry: I feel that Pharmacy would combine these interests perfectly. Pharmacists are an important link between doctor and patient in providing safe and effective use of pharmaceuticals. My father's diabetic condition sparked my interest into the workings of drugs and led me to realise the widespread ignorance that exists regarding the nature and effects of the medications in use. Organic Chemistry fascinates me: how it is possible to synthesise different drugs using the same elements seems at first to be extraordinary until the importance of the functional groups is understood. Pharmacy will be stimulating academically and will lead to a career that involves immense job satisfaction. My academic potential, enthusiasm and passion for science will help me to make a positive impact in people's lives.

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

Studying Maths is enabling me to develop problem-solving skills vital for calculating dosage while the interactive nature of Sciences has helped to contextualise my knowledge in analysing data. Biology experiments have developed my analytical and evaluative skills while Physics enabled me to apply mathematical techniques to physical concepts with accuracy. To widen my knowledge, I took part in a debate 'Do all drugs have specific targets on the body?' as part of an online course: 'The Science of Medicines'. I realised some drugs are made to target specific parts, as is the case with Type 1 Diabetes and the pancreas. The course inspired me to research Pharmacokinetic tolerance with respect to the drug Phenytoin. Inspired by a Ted Talk, I investigated the placebo effect and discovered the ethical issues surrounding why a placebo is used infrequently in scientific research today.

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

Spending time observing doctors, pharmacists, and administrative staff in a hospital on work experience exemplified the importance of having empathy and compassion for patients who are often bewildered and anxious. I experienced many examples of teams at work in providing care tailored to suit the individual. Shadowing a hospital pharmacist in the NICU on his first day gave me insight into the challenge of the job. I witnessed a consultation involving the action plan for a 700g neonate; her dosage and nutrients were directed by the pharmacist and subsequently altered to balance her needs. I recognised the taxing role and responsibility of a pharmacist in the patient's journey. Volunteering in a Pharmacy has made me appreciate the value of listening to people and the impact on the individual's well-being as well as the requirement for attention to detail when referring to the BNF form. I also became familiar with the idiosyncrasies of people. Alongside my studies, I am passionate about Bollywood dancing for which I have achieved numerous awards. Dancing has taught me valuable skills; you learn to work intimately with dancers and trust them completely. Featuring in an advertisement for a national cultural event was a rewarding highlight. Over the summer, on my own initiative, I choreographed a dance for an audience numbering over 1500. I was grateful for the opportunity to practise my leadership skills while guiding and communicating to overcome difficulties. I ensured that everyone's opinion was treated with equal importance even though I had to make changes to the original plan. I look forward to the diverse opportunities life at university will offer so I maintain my work-life balance. As a devout Catholic, I contribute to my Parish as a Senior Altar Server every Sunday. As well as being Prefect, I have been Chairman of the Student Council consecutively for 4 years, which has enhanced my public speaking and diplomacy skills. I found that being a Science mentor improved my confidence and doing NCS has aided me to acquire interpersonal skills that have proved to be indispensable.

Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.

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