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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
My decision to study psychology was not a difficult one. It is something that plays a key part of our day to day lives, hence my choice to study this at a higher level. I have always been fascinated into how the mind communicates to the body, and why humans act the way they do. All aspects, from the social to cognitive to biological all fascinate me about the world of psychology, a course which I will benefit greatly from studying it at a higher level. It is a limitless subject with countless opportunities for further employment due to its complexity of intertwining attributes and skills, and something I wish to throw myself in to at the best of my ability.
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
From studying this at GCSE level and then further at A level, alongside my other academic subjects, I feel like this has helped to confirm this is the right choice for me, with reinforcing my love for the subject, helping to make more educated and informed decisions. I am always willing to throw myself in to something I am passionate about, to apply myself effectively, and to gain the most out of an amazing educational opportunity.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
I have developed skills that are easily transferable into the required attributes to the course, from my part time job as a sales assistant. I have learnt the importance of teamwork, as well as being independent and taking my own initiative, with constantly having to think on my feet to come up with a resolution to any given problem. I feel like this is a key and valuable skill for studying psychology, from my research into the course about the importance of research methods, all being able to come together to come to a final conclusion. From this job, I would also consider myself extremely reliable, due to my time management, commitment, as well being trustworthy, with having to deal with money. This job has also made me aware of my attention to detail, ensuring everything I do is up to a high standard, and making sure the shop looks the best it can, whilst working under pressure. These skills are easily transferable to a psychology course, helping to gain a better understanding into this world. During years at Boswells, I have also assisted in the running of the ‘Boswells Amateur Dramatics Company’ consecutive years in a row, teaching younger years such as year 5 and 6 vital drama skills which can then be built upon. This has increased my leadership skills, as I often took charge, which involved script writing, organising costumes and scenery, as well as directing. These skills are easily applicable to an everyday setting, demonstrating how I can put myself out there with my ideas, constantly taking things into my own hands. As a result of my devotion and enthusiasm, I was awarded the ambassador award for performing arts two years in a row. My hobbies include dance, which I have done competitively since the age of 12 until present. From this being a very team oriented sport, I have learnt a lot about compromise, and working together in a team to achieve a very high standard, which led to my team winning second place in the ‘Britain Does Variety’ national final, alongside many other first place positions. From dancing, it shows how flexible I can be, as well as my commitment and dedication. This is also demonstrated by annually committing to perform in the school’s productions.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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