Psychology Personal Statement

By: Lauren · Accepted by University of Essex

Table of contents

Why do you want to study this course or subject?

The mind has a daily impact on our lives; influencing every decision, action and behaviour. The desire I have to help others led to my ambition to study such a complex and engaging subject, which I aspire to create a lifelong career out of. These aspirations stem from both personal and academic experiences, and by taking my studies further I can focus on becoming a psychologist which will allow me to undergo research in a specialised area as well as strengthening my understanding of the brain and how it functions. I am hard-working and determined to expand my knowledge of psychology, and by furthering my studies at degree level I will be provided with the opportunity to have an involvement in a subject I am exceptionally enthusiastic about researching and wish to create a successful career out of.

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

Mental health and psychopathology are topics that I am particularly intrigued by, which is why I decided to complete a Future Learn course on Caring for People with Psychosis and Schizophrenia. I was able to further my biological knowledge and understand key symptoms someone may show if they have this condition, the kind of medication that is given to those who are diagnosed, and how one would care for someone who has psychosis. Alongside future learn courses, as part of the Extended Project Qualification I examined Disney's 'Inside Out' and applied psychological approaches to the film. After exploring behavioural and biological explanations for mental disorders, looking into different studies and research methods, I developed my investigation and looked into the cognitive approach where I analysed the focus of memory in the film. My project allowed me to manage time effectively and reference sources that I had gathered secondary research from and, as I worked independently on this project, I was able to carry out research into an area I have great curiosity in. I show enthusiasm and dedication towards my studies, and as a result I have previously been awarded with an attitude to learning certificate in psychology.

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

I have a part-time job in retail where I have to take part in training days for health and safety, giving me a sense of responsibility and increased confidence. Moreover, serving customers at work has allowed me to develop better communication and problem solving abilities. My job has provided me with new, important skills that I will value throughout my life, but it also opened my eyes to autism spectrum disorder. Through work, I met my colleague who has autism and finds routine a necessity in everything that he does. Experiencing what it's like to live with autism from an outside perspective helped me see the real life application of cognitive psychology and I decided to further my understanding of the condition. To do this, I read 'A Boy Made of Blocks' by Keith Stuart who tells a story which reflects his own experiences with his son who has autism. To offer my help and contribute to great causes, I have raised money for different charities supporting people of all ages. As well as taking part in fundraising for VICTA, a charity who assist visually impaired children, I am able to raise money for charities through running. I volunteer at park runs frequently, and I have taken part in races where I raised money for charities such as the British Legion and Cancer Research UK. Running began as a hobby for me, although I am now able to provide support for charities that help individuals in difficult situations.

Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.

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