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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
Paul Valery stated, 'The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best'. It shows things for what they are as well as explains the motivation into the things we do, even if we do not realise ourselves. I want to study this course to gain insight behind unthinkable individual human actions like murder. This desire increased during a recent trip to Auschwitz as we were told of the dissociation of the Nazi guards and how some participated in the extermination of hundreds for five cheap cigarettes and an outdated magazine. Observing this in a real-life setting has furthered my desire to study Psychology. Overall, I have a desire to discover how the unconscious works in our current, ever-growing narcissistic society that values everything in abundance or not at all. I believe I possess the right traits for this course as I'm a naturally curious individual who thrives on new knowledge and takes the time and effort to seek it.
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
Although all parts of my Psychology course were enjoyable, the research of Stanley Milgram was the most interesting aspect as it questioned the true source of our actions. My interest in his research was complemented by the study of free will and determinism in R.E. as the case of true personal liability and overlooked outside influence were discussed. I'm also presently conducting research on the effects of caffeine on memory with my fellow psychology students which we will present to the BPS. This has been very enjoyable and insightful. Through my work experience with the Departmental Solicitors Office in Belfast, I sat in on many high-profile criminal hearings and consultations which proved beneficial in seeing real-life duties of law professionals. It was particularly interesting how the wording was selected carefully as to not create false memories while collecting as much accurate information as possible by using techniques we have studied such as the cognitive interview.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
Volunteering at Cancer Research has helped expand my organisational and time management skills, but has mostly enhanced my communication skills. Interacting with a different range of personalities presents a wide range of problems that require the use of initiative, like the time when a customer had clearly switched the price tags which resulted in me discreetly asking them to leave in order not to cause them further embarrassment. I find volunteering very rewarding as through it I can give back to the community as well as actively communicate with a variety of different people. I'm also in the process of teaching myself Italian to enable me access to the rich and expressive literature in its purest form. Dedicating time each week to sign language has been particularly rewarding as it has improved my communication opportunities and broken down communication barriers. My participation in the school charity organisation Lifeline is also worthwhile as through events like the senior citizens concert I helped by serving tea but also joined in particularly enjoyable conversations of their past personal experiences regarding major events like World War II. I continue to develop my knowledge in Psychology through watching documentaries and particularly through the series of 'Discovering Psychology' by Zimbardo which covers a variety of topics from conformity to gender. I have used this as a foundation to expand my knowledge through further reading of the works of many leading psychologists as well as 'Psychology Today' which offers a wide range of articles regarding recent findings. In addition, my creative side means I particularly enjoy painting with oils and watercolours as well as practising decorative origami to relax and have helped with the organisation of the school play set last year and been placed in complete control of this year's production. Photography is also something I'm keen on as I believe the beauty of everyday life should be shared.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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