This three-year, part time, course, validated by the University of Hull, has been designed to offer a flexible approach to the integration of theory and practice.
The threshold concepts embedded in the course include a sophisticated opportunity to approach counselling and therapeutic theories from different perspectives. Rather than being taught theoretical approaches in separate modules, and then seek integration, the aim is to explore theoretical concepts together from the start of the course in order to challenge students to link concepts to practice in a reflexive free flow...
This three-year, part time, course, validated by the University of Hull, has been designed to offer a flexible approach to the integration of theory and practice. <br/>The threshold concepts embedded in the course include a sophisticated opportunity to approach counselling and therapeutic theories from different perspectives. Rather than being taught theoretical approaches in separate modules, and then seek integration, the aim is to explore theoretical concepts together from the start of the course in order to challenge students to link concepts to practice in a reflexive free flowing manner. <br/>The course is designed to encourage the multiple contexts of reflexivity at every stage of the student’s learning. It is acknowledged that students will be coming on to the course from different theoretical perspectives and major shifts in their perception and understanding of client work will be expected. <br/>Students will be encouraged to examine their own personal constructs and the impact they have on the work with clients in diverse settings in the UK in the 21st century. <br/>An emphasis on the importance of supervision will run throughout the course as well as access to continuing professional development (CPD).