BA Politics and Modern History is one of the longest established programmes of its kind in the country, combining an investigation of the historical development of the modern world with a study of its political machinery and an examination of its political thought in a historical setting.
Broad course units in history, government institutions and political thought constitute the core of the degree in the first two years, with more specialist options in Year 3, including a 12,000-word thesis.
Studying politics and modern history together aims to give you a unique ...
BA Politics and Modern History is one of the longest established programmes of its kind in the country, combining an investigation of the historical development of the modern world with a study of its political machinery and an examination of its political thought in a historical setting. <br/><br/>Broad course units in history, government institutions and political thought constitute the core of the degree in the first two years, with more specialist options in Year 3, including a 12,000-word thesis. <br/><br/>Studying politics and modern history together aims to give you a unique insight into how societies work in both past and present. <br/><br/>The course combines two complementary ways of looking at the world and will give you the tools to understand the workings and history of political systems, international relations, conflict and cooperation in Britain, Europe and around the world. <br/><br/>The degree will take you through various stages, at each step developing both your background knowledge in politics and history and, crucially, the skills of critical analysis and logical argument. <br/><br/>Throughout, you will engage with a broad range of themes in both subjects, ranging from globalisation in historical perspective to the politics of modern China.