Responsible management of water and environmental resources is essential in tackling the climate emergency. Our accredited MSc is an opportunity to develop and enhance your core skills, to explore key analytical and scientific skills, and gain up-to-date knowledge of national and international environmental legislation.
You’ll study the fundamentals of hydrology and pollutant transport in the context of international legal and policy frameworks and integrated catchment management. You will explore key water treatment processes; drawing upon examples of international and na...
Responsible management of water and environmental resources is essential in tackling the climate emergency. Our accredited MSc is an opportunity to develop and enhance your core skills, to explore key analytical and scientific skills, and gain up-to-date knowledge of national and international environmental legislation. <br/><br/>You’ll study the fundamentals of hydrology and pollutant transport in the context of international legal and policy frameworks and integrated catchment management. You will explore key water treatment processes; drawing upon examples of international and national water reuse technology, key to shaping future water sources. Fieldwork and laboratory practicals present the opportunity to design, perform, analyse and report on appropriate quantitative research and operational studies in the field of water and environmental management.<br/><br/>You’ll learn with and work alongside members of our research Centre for Aquatic Environments who aim to protect the environment and to support the diverse range of social and cultural values and benefits that derive from healthy aquatic ecosystems.<br/><br/>Our researchers collaborate with global organisations and charities such as UNICEF, the World Health Organisation and Water Aid, and work in partnership with regional and national organisations including National Trust, Environment Agency, Southern Water and South East Water.<br/><br/>Our well-established links with industry provide networking opportunities and shared insight through guest lectures.<br/><br/>This degree is accredited by JBM as meeting the requirements for Further Learning for a Chartered Engineer (CEng) for candidates who have already acquired a partial CEng accredited undergraduate first degree.It is also accredited by the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM).