Spatial planners create and manage sustainable cities and the countryside and help solve urban problems.
This course focuses specifically on developing and enhancing your knowledge and critical understanding of the principles and practice of urban design to achieve sustainable cities and regions. Youll be able to suggest intervention strategies to improve regeneration of declining places and cities.
You will also develop your understanding of spatial analysis, statutory planning, property development processes, and sustainability in contemporary cities and sustaina...
Spatial planners create and manage sustainable cities and the countryside and help solve urban problems.<br/><br/>This course focuses specifically on developing and enhancing your knowledge and critical understanding of the principles and practice of urban design to achieve sustainable cities and regions. Youll be able to suggest intervention strategies to improve regeneration of declining places and cities.<br/><br/>You will also develop your understanding of spatial analysis, statutory planning, property development processes, and sustainability in contemporary cities and sustainable urban design.<br/><br/>Our academic staff have a strong research and practice background in specialist areas. We collaborate with key planning agencies in and around Dundee, meaning you can learn from practitioners through lectures, seminars, and fieldwork. This also means you will have the opportunity to engage with live projects as part of your learning.<br/><br/>The father of town planning, Patrick Geddes was a professor of botany at this university, which means we have strong historical links to the planning profession.