Student Finance

Student Finance NI

Ben Maples  · Nov 29th 2021

If you are thinking of studying in Northern Ireland, then student finance will be very important to you.

Northern Ireland flag

Student Finance works differently than the student finance in Wales or the student finance in England, so we’ve made a bumper guide to all things Northern Ireland to help you understand how the student finance in Northern Ireland works!

Student finance Northern Ireland

How much student finance can I get in Northern Ireland?

Tuition fees in Northern Ireland are a little bit cheaper than anywhere else in the UK!

In fact, in Northern Ireland, the maximum tuition fee is exactly £3,465-a-year and this is the same for student finance NI postgraduate students as well.

There are not regulations for part-time students, which basically means that a university can charge you whatever they like.

What is the allowance for a Maintenance Loan in Northern Ireland?

Well, this all very much depends on your living situation, if you’re living at home during university, you’ll be earning a tidy sum of £3,750 maximum (you can check this out on the Student Finance Northern Ireland website), whereas, if you’re flying the nest and living in halls at university, then you’ll have around £4,000 all to yourself!

Is a Maintenance Loan means-tested in Northern Ireland?


The amount that you have coming into the house and your overall living situation will impact the amount of money that you actually receive, although you can track all of this with your student finance NI login (which is also how you apply for student finance NI) or using a student finance NI calculator.

University student finance Northern Ireland

Is there anything that I can get to help me with living costs in Northern Ireland?

Well, while the maintenance loan, has to be paid back, a Maintenance Grant does not. The threshold is actually quite large, too. If you are earning £41,065-a-year, or below, then you are entitled to a maintenance grant.

Can I still get a maintenance grant in Northern Ireland if I am on Income Support?

You can’t, but you are eligible for other useful benefits. Essentially, a maintenance grant is aimed specifically at low-income families or those with little chance of paying the loan back, whereas a Special Support Grant, will help those that are looking for help whilst claiming other income support benefits. There are various university bursaries, university grants and university scholarships to help students with this anyway.

The type of course that you do will depend on the amount of money that you’re charged.

What is the difference between student finance in Northern Ireland and student finance in the Republic of Ireland?

To explain the difference between the student finance in Northern Ireland and the student finance in Ireland, one would have to explain the intricate differences between the two countries.

While that is certainly a rich and interesting topic, it’s another chat for another day, but the short answer is that the Republic of Ireland (ROI) is an independent sovereign state. While Northern Ireland is considered a part of the United Kingdom, along with England, Wales and Scotland, the Republic of Ireland is not considered to be a part of the UK.

While the religious and political motivations for the division could fill several articles worth of content, the Good Friday agreement is the main thing that keeps the countries as they are, and would need a Brexit style referendum to change the status of either country.

Basically, while the Republic of Ireland uses the Euro currency, Northern Ireland, uses pound sterling. The easiest thing here is that the cost of studying in the Republic of Ireland is €3,000-a-year. Pretty standard and easy to understand, so take some comfort that it may be cheaper a few miles over the border!

Uni student finance Northern Ireland

Do tuition fees suffer from inflation in Northern Ireland?

Yes. If it’s something that can be charged, it isn’t exempt from inflation and tuition fees are no different! You will always pay for it unless of course, other political parties decide to change this.

Are part-time students entitled to the same fees in Northern Ireland?

There are not regulations for part-time students, which basically means that a university can charge you whatever they like (within reason, of course). Universities will set the fees themselves, so you should check with your university choices before you apply.

Tuition fees in Northern Ireland are a little bit cheaper than anywhere else in the UK!

Are the fees different for different courses?

The type of course that you do will depend on the amount of money that you’re charged. However, many courses will have different degrees of difficulty (if you’ll pardon the pun), for instance, those who wish to teach History as a career will need a History degree, and then apply to study a PGCE degree at university. The fees involved will very much depend on what you’re applying for.

So that's everything that you need to know about Northern Irish student finance, the majority of student finance and student finance rules are the same as the rest of the UK, with one or two subtle differences, so make sure you check out all of our student finance articles to learn more about student finance in the UK, good luck!

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