Tourism Degree
Travel and tourism is a huge industry and is a vital part of the UK economy. Travel and tourism are also a global industry and requires plenty of knowledgeable and educated individuals to keep it in place

Travel and tourism is a huge industry and is a vital part of the UK economy. Travel and tourism are also a global industry and requires plenty of knowledgeable and educated individuals to keep it in place. A degree in this area tends to be relatively vocational in nature and focuses on everything from policy and strategy to management techniques. You can search UK courses here and search Travel and Tourism courses here.
What A Levels do I need?
Each university entry requirements will vary for subjects and grades from their prospective candidates. Some may ask for BBC while others will ask for ABB. Students are advised to check with their chosen universities and degree programmes to ensure they understand what UCAS tariff points are needed for them to gain admission to the course.
Most degree courses will not ask for specific subjects, as there are no directly linked A-level subjects, although social sciences, business, economics or management related topics can aid an individual’s application (and you can search UK Travel and Tourism courses here).
What are my study options?
The content of the course will change depending on the university, modules and course that are chosen. Students will mostly attend lectures and seminars and will take part in practical workshops. Students should research deep into the universities and the courses they have on offer, ensuring they choose the right university and course that suits their own preferences best.
Degrees tend to be three years in length, although some universities may offer a sandwich course which allows candidates to spend a year working a placement year, working in the industry – if this is the case, the total time for the degree will increase to four years (Learn more – Is having a placement good for your degree?).
The first year will feature compulsory modules that allow students to establish a strong foundation, and these modules will then aid students to specialise in the second and third years of the course. Although each course will differ slightly, standard modules will include topics such as; strategic management, marketing, tour operations, employability skills, and finance and tourism destinations.
What should I expect from studying?
This subject is fairly career-focused, and many institutions will offer or encourage work experience, enabling students to take the knowledge they have learned in the classroom and to apply into a real-life setting.
This type of degree will also help individuals acquire or refine their knowledge of other languages and cultures – which is highly sought after by employers.
How will I be assessed?
Students assessments are in an array of multiple methods, including written coursework, exams, presentations and group projects. Each module and degree will feature different assessment methods. If students find that they prefer exams to coursework or vice versa, then they can research how their course is assessed before applying, as university module guides will vary, which is why choosing a degree course will take time through research.
What skills will I learn from studying?
As travel and tourism are one of the biggest industries globally, it offers skills in an array of employment options, from cabin crew to management roles. Students will gain skills in communication, management as well as marketing and finance – allowing them to learn valuable skills. Individuals will obtain research, and academic writing skills, teamwork, IT and presentation skills.
Students to attend university gain transferable skills that they can then implement later in life, from time-management and organisation by completing coursework and working towards a deadline, and social skills from group projects and presentations.
Why study?
This degree area is best suited for candidates who are interested in business, travel and customer relations. The course will be varied and offer enough diversity that will make it consistently exciting and fun to study as well as work in.
What happens after I graduate?
Employment options are high regarding this subject area; students may work for an airline, cruise ship or become involved in running a hotel or theme park. There is also the chance to work in marketing or event management!
Will it help me get a job?
Graduates obtain a variety of skills, experience and knowledge during their time at university and these are highly valued by employers. Companies and organisations prefer graduates who have studied the relevant areas, and especially if they have gained valuable experience through placements .
What types of jobs can I get from studying?
There are a variety of roles within the sector, from cabin crew and resort representatives, or others who choose to work for tour companies or in business travel. The industry is diverse and extensive, offering graduates opportunities that seem to be endless.
What can I study after?
Individuals who wish to study after graduating can obtain a Masters of Arts (MA) degrees in an array of options, including; culture and colonialism, international tourism, aviation management, travel business leadership, water and coastal management, and sustainable tourism. Students looking to study a Master’s degree should take their time, as they are very direct degrees, they are not broad subjects like an undergraduate degree.