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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
To enter a field of research, one in which I can aid in the search for cures and treatments to life-threatening diseases, I am able to quench my thirst for knowledge and help others in need. More specifically, I want to go into Breast Cancer Research. After seeing the damage it does to the world and the personal effect it has had on my family, I am passionate in putting all of my efforts into the eradication of the disease. This is why a Biochemistry course is a perfect fit for me. Not only will it allow me to keep learning about a subject I’m so passionate about at a higher level, but it will open the door to a world I am so eager to enter. The classroom is where I have found my desire in life, I want to face the complex questions we struggle to answer and provide the solution which right now may seem impossible. How better can I do this than by merging my goals and desires?
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
Studying Biology and Chemistry at A Level keeps me curious, learning about the processes that shape the world we live in and make us who we are is something that continually keeps me wanting more. After completing the Biochemistry module in my A Level course, I felt a passion growing; for every fact I learnt I only had more questions. It gets to the point where the teacher can no longer answer these questions - in fact nobody can. I found myself looping back to a constant array of unsatisfactory answers. I have learnt vital skills from many years’ participation in my school's debating societies, which have aided me throughout the difficult transition into A Level and which will continue to help me through future struggles. The perseverance I have is what makes me fit for the course. Once set on a goal, I am determined to achieve it which is why I know I am capable of succeeding in this Biochemistry course.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
I’ve already started in my efforts as a member of the school’s charity committee; we continuously raise money towards multiple charities including Cancer Research and Macmillan. I also work alongside Legacy 4 Lucy and WhizzKidz in the preparation and execution of an annual charity ball. Last summer we raised £9000 and I’m hoping to surpass this figure at next year’s ball. As I continue to be full of questions, I carry on taking my learning outside of the classroom, this is why I take such pleasure in my extracurricular courses completed through Future Learn. After learning about the rapid progression in cancer medications over the past 100 years, I am amazed that chemotherapy once involved toxic mustard gas, especially considering we are now on the brink of using monoclonal antibodies for targeted therapy. This reminds me that whilst the science community faces extreme difficulties in providing treatment without damaging healthy cells, there is a solution to the problem - even if it is yet to be found. I know that a future in research won't be an easy future, but that only motivates me more because my thirst for knowledge compels me to rise to the challenge.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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