PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Environmental Management and Environmental Science

Submitted by Kiara

Environmental Management and Environmental Science

Submitted by Kiara

Various adventures on my travels like climbing the three peaks, completing an Icelandic glacier walk and walking through Cambodian rainforest sparked my curiosity in environmental science. When completing my Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition this summer, the beautiful landscapes fuelled my motivation to complete the expedition and desire to learn more about the environment, in aim to help conserve it for the future. I also enjoy learning about environments by watching documentaries, such as 'Human Planet' in which the dependence of us and animals upon our habitats is explored. A holiday to Iceland fulfilled my dream of snorkelling along the tectonic plate boundary and exceeded all my expectations as I faced such natural wonder. However, now visits such as these worry me as I question the effects my actions may have - will these visits force them to be banned from public viewing in the future? Will future generations be able to believe such beauty existed when the devastating effects of global warming and pollution leave these places so different to how they are now? Modern wonders of the world inspire my enthusiasm for conservation and sustainability due to my desire to preserve these places for future generations, and to accept our own environmental responsibility.

A Levels chemistry has developed my logical thinking and problem solving abilities, with my grasp of equations improving my understanding and interpretation of scientific processes. Geology has taught me to interpret environmental features developing understanding of past environments and how the modern world has developed. Geography has interested me since secondary school, providing awe-inspiring insight into natural processes and the Earth's structure, especially the devastating effects of tectonic movement.

Sustainability interests me due to the relevance it has with modern issues of exponential population growth combined with global concerns about climate change and energy, food and water management. Global food resource issues - a topic delved into during a HE+ Geography session in which different sustainable food sources such as insects were investigated - inspire my vegetarianism. I am enthusiastic about making smarter food choices and reducing my energy consumption, as well as discovering new lifestyle choices which aid our planet. The HE+ sessions I attended challenged society's ideals through exploring topics such as globalisation, when we explored how a city must be socially, environmentally and economically responsible to achieve sustainability. Inspired I read the book 'We do things differently' by Mark Stevenson, which made clear to me that we need problem solvers and inventors to challenge common views. New, innovative ways are needed to encourage willingness in people. I believe this is possible through small changes. I have observed this when volunteering at a canal trust over the last few months collecting litter, which made me realise how our wasteful habits are affecting wildlife. I am heartened to see that these small changes are improving our world, and I hope more people will become involved in this process.

Being a chorister for 10 years, I have gained confidence through singing in outstanding places including York Minster. Becoming head chorister made me realise the importance of teamwork when facing challenges with the longevity of choirs and choral music. Also, being a leader at my local brownies group developed my leadership and communication skills as I organise and help with activities, games and outings. Maintaining my job as a Burrito Artist for the last year demonstrates my dedication and time management skills.

New experiences truly excite me which, along with my willingness to discover a greater knowledge about our 'blue planet', makes me suited to this degree.

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