PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Film Studies BA Personal Statement

Submitted by Liam

Film Studies BA Personal Statement

Submitted by Liam

Prior to the initial study of the subject of Film and other sources of the creative arts such as writing, I found that there was no other point of interest and destination for my education. Since studying film from year 9, I have developed a considerable passion for screenwriting and my written style has improved significantly. The challenge of filmmaking, particularly in written form, has awarded me with the chance to develop my style of writing and also the skill of writing as a whole. During my studies, I was required to create a story in the form of a screenplay. Little did I know that this would become the start of a passion. During this time, I also discovered the aspect of filmmaking would be most appealing to me as it gave me the chance to express life experiences and apply them in a manner which could reach other people and give them the opportunity to escape into the cinematic world. Cinema has provided the greatest filmmakers with the opportunity to express themselves artistically, and I intend to follow in their footsteps.

Aside from my academic activities, I have a deep interest in literature and its different genres. I believe that this also has encouraged my passion for scriptwriting and the various forms of storytelling. My inspiration has come from a number of writers including Henry Miller and Ernest Hemingway. Through the works of each of these literates, I have discovered how a story can immerse someone into the world the author creates. Outside education, I have also kept a positive attitude toward bettering myself and developing my qualities. I believe that I have achieved this through both my hobbies and my work life. Within these areas, I believe that they have awarded me with qualities such as determination which I have expressed through my commitment to my involvement in martial arts such as Taekwondo and Krav Maga. Whilst working outside of education in the customer service sector, I have been awarded and have developed such skills as time management and punctuality, all of which will benefit me in the future of my education and life at university.

During my time in post sixteen education, I have studied Film studies, History and English Literature alongside the Welsh Baccalaureate qualification. Within these subjects, especially History and English, I have been able to broaden my knowledge in many different areas which I find the most interesting and appealing. Within History, coursework has developed my independent study skills. Much of this has been completed through evaluating and analysing sources as well as text. This, in turn, has prepared me for the challenges of study at university. My A-level studies, in general, have allowed me to develop considerable knowledge about issues that have impacted on the stories I write. I have developed a growth mindset and I also believe that I have grown as an individual. I am constantly aware of my goals and how I will strive to achieve them through resilience and determination. My Welsh Baccalaureate course has required me to work within my community and through this, I have mentored students with various disabilities and behavioural problems. I supported them with martial arts and self-defence and have worked effectively with them and encouraged them to discuss with me their aspirations for life following compulsory education.

Overall, I am very excited by the opportunities that university will hold and the impact in which it will have on my life. I am especially excited about developing my understanding and the skills required to work within the film industry. I am positive that I have the determination as well as the passion to successfully study Film at degree level. I aim to pursue my ambition into adult life.

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