Exam Revision Tips
The dreaded exam period can send even the most prepared students into panic mode.

We’ve put together a list of the best revision techniques. These are interchangeable anywhere in education, whether you're looking for revision techniques A Level or revision techniques GCSE or revision techniques university, these are all effective revision techniques.

What are revision techniques?
Revision techniques can be anything from mnemonic devices through to covering a page with your hand and trying to remember what was underneath it!
The best revision techniques are the ones that leave a valuable imprint on you. A mnemonic device is easy to remember and means that you’ll be able to work things out easier, rather than trying to remember a whole method.
Your revision techniques should be tailored to you and your abilities. If you are best at remembering lines of text, then learn that way, if you learn best coming up with little poems that tell you how to do something, then do those!
During a heavy day of studying, remember to add in treats to keep you going.
Memory techniques for revision
There are a number of ways to learn certain things for your exams, using memory. Whether that be through using a mnemonic device, like Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (PEMDAS).
- Eating lots of fruit and vegetables and having a substantial breakfast is the best medicine for your body and mind. Your brain needs fuel to revise and to take in the information you are studying, junk food and takeaways may seem like the easiest option, but these are best avoided where possible and a healthier outlook will help you with different revision techniques.
- Don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep; it will give your body the rest it needs and prepare you for the challenges ahead.
- Exercising for students is also an extremely important factor as it releases endorphins to help de-stress and clear the mind. Your body is designed to move so schedule regular exercise into your revision timetable, whether you're looking for GCSE revision tips and techniques or revision techniques for A Level, healthy living is very important and arguably one of the most effective revision techniques.
These are especially important for revision, as they clear your brain of any clutter and make learning much easier.

Give yourself a break
Revising and studying will only be successful when you are realistic with how much you can take in, you can’t work for 22 hours a day and expect to remember everything you studied! Remember to plan regular breaks so your brain can relax and get ready to take in more information.
You can only do your best, and it’s all anyone will ever ask of you, don’t push yourself too hard. This one is one of the more fun revision techniques.
Don’t get too worked up about revision or panic over what will come up in the exam tomorrow. Your mind cannot relax and concentrate on what it needs to learn if you won’t let it! After a hard day of revising, relax for a few hours in the evening to let your mind and body recuperate.
Using apps is a great way to learn more about the subject you're studying.
Forget the past
Once you have finished your exam, try to stay clear from ‘exam talk’. This is where your friends and classmates will talk and over-analyse the test you just did, you will become a lot better at tuning this out, but it usually starts for you around GCSEs, so this is one of the more prevalent GCSE revision techniques.
No good will come from obsessing over the multiple question section or the essay you wrote for question 9! The discussion can make you second-guess yourself and doubt your own ability if you put in the hard work you will have nothing to worry about.

It’s OK to reward yourself
During a heavy day of studying, remember to add in treats to keep you going. It could be a chocolate bar, an episode of your favourite programme, reading a book, or even a power-nap! If you let yourself have these tiny rewards, then an entire day of studying won’t seem such a challenge to get through.
The best revision techniques are the ones that leave a valuable imprint on you.
Use apps
Using apps is a great way to learn more about the subject you're studying. This is one of these revision techniques for visual learners, as most apps will have great displays of data and information for students so they will find it easier to study and is one of the best revision techniques for kinesthetic learners. Note: We recommend turning your phone to Do Not Disturb, in case you get too easily distracted.