Making your firm and insurance choices for university
You have your offers, now it's time to make your choices! Take your time selecting your firm and insurance choices for university to maximise your chances of securing a spot.

Take your time considering your options for university. You'll already have done this when choosing your course, and then your five university choices. Your next step on the journey to university is picking your firm and insurance choices from the offers you receive. Here we'll explain the difference between a firm and an insurance choice and what happens if you change your mind.
Making a firm choice
Your firm choice is your first choice university. By selecting a firm choice, you are saying that, if you meet the conditions of your offer, you want to attend that university on the selected course.
You should make this decision based on your impressions of the university from open days and prospectuses and feel that you can meet the entry requirements they include in their offer.
Selecting an insurance choice
Your insurance choice is considered your backup choice. If you don't meet the entry requirements of the first choice (for example, you miss out on the grades required) you will automatically go to your insurance choice. This offer will have its own criteria and entry requirements so you'll still need to get the required grades to be able to take this course.
Insurance choices are optional, you don't have to choose a back-up at all if you don't want to but it's recommended.
Declining an offer
You're only able to select one firm and one insurance choice and all other offers you receive must be declined. If you decide that you don't want to accept any of your offers, you can decline them all. You can make the most of UCAS Extra by adding an extra choice or entering Clearing when it opens in July.
Different offer combinations
Depending on the offer you receive - conditional, unconditional or contextual offer - it can mean different things when combined with if you choose them as a first or insurance choice. Here's what they can mean:
- Unconditional firm (UF) - You've got a place! There are no conditions to your offer.
- Conditional firm (CF) - You're in if you meet the conditions of your offer.
- Conditional firm (CF) and conditional insurance (CI) - You'll go to your first (firm) choice if you meet the conditions. If not and you meet the conditions of your second choice, you'll be on that course instead.
- Conditional firm (CF) and unconditional insurance (UI) - You'll get to your first choice if you meet the conditions. If not, you're guaranteed a place on the second course.

How to pick your firm and insurance choice
You'll want to make your firm choice uni the one you want to go to most and you feel comfortable getting the grades set out in your offer. Your insurance choice is typically one you really like as well, though maybe not as much as your first.
Students will choose an insurance choice that has lower grades than their firm so, even if they miss out on the grades for their firm, they have a strong chance of hitting the grades for their insurance.
You might be struggling to decide which course is best for you or which of your offers you want to pick as your top two. Don't panic! Once universities give you your offers, you'll have some time to decide.
Relook at the courses and the specific modules, and think about what it is about each course that you like and what the university offers. Our article on how to choose the right university might help with this! Many universities hold post-offer days - these are basically open days but for students who now hold an offer to a specific course. It can give you another and more detailed look at the course and uni.
UCAS deadline for accepting offers
For 2025 applicants you'll need to:
- Confirm your choice by 4th June 2025, if you receive your last decision on or before 14th May 2025. This doesn't include those who use UCAS Extra
- Confirm your choice by the 23rd July 2025 if you receive your last choice on or before the 17th of July 2025. This includes those with UCAS Extra choices
How to confirm your choices in UCAS
To make your decision replies to universities, you will receive an email from UCAS to tell you you have new decisions and they wait your reply. To see these, you'll need to sign in to your UCAS Hub account. Here, you will see the deadlines you need to reply by.
Within your UCAS Hub, there will be the option to make each of your choices a firm, insurance or decline the offer. If you received an unconditional offer and want to accept this as your firm choice, you will have your place confirmed. If you have conditional offers, you'll pick your firm and insurance and wait til Results Day to find out if you secured a place.
What if I change my mind?
If you accepted your offers in the last 14 days, you can contact UCAS directly to make changes to your replies. If you want to make changes after 14 days, the chance to change your options isn't guaranteed. You'll need to speak to the universities directly to ask if they'll allow you to change your replies, and then let UCAS know if they agree so they can make the change. If this is any later than 25th July, it automatically won't be allowed. The alternative is to completely withdraw your application.
You may look at your offers and decide none of them are right for you, that's ok. You can decline all your offers but know that this is final - once you've declined a spot, the offer is gone. However, this doesn't have to mean the end of your university journey.
If you don't receive or accept any offers, UCAS Extra gives you another chance to choose a university you'd like to attend and receive an offer. The other alternative is Clearing which opens on 5th July 2025.
Can I reject my firm choice and go to my insurance?
If you meet the conditions of your firm choice, you will have confirmed your place at that university, which means your insurance choice place will automatically be declined. If you change your mind about your firm and insurance choice, you can make these changes within 14 days of making your choice.
If, on Results Day, you get a place at your firm choice but have changed your mind and want to go to your insurance choice, unfortunately, it's not a simple swap. You could contact your insurance choice and see if they have any spots available on your course and if they can offer you a place, but it can be complicated and isn't guaranteed.
There is also the process of self-release which releases you from the contract you've made with your top university and releases you into Clearing, where you'll be able to apply for any available places. If you're lucky, your insurance choice might be there! Every situation is unique. To know the best course of action, talk to your tutors and the universities directly to understand your options.