UCAS Hub (Formerly UCAS Track)
We’ve got all you need to know about UCAS Hub to keep you in the know and in the right position to accept or decline offers when you receive them from universities.

We understand how difficult it can be, and we can also help you elsewhere on the site with your UCAS Tariff Points.

What is UCAS Hub?
UCAS Hub (formerly known as UCAS Track) is your UCAS application once it is submitted.
It turns into the Hub for you to be able to track your progress on your application, accept or decline offers and even defer or switch your university course details.
When you log into the Hub, you’ll have ‘status’ and ‘next steps’ information near the top of the screen where you can check what you need to do next. ‘Status’ tells you the status of your application, whether universities have or haven’t given you offers, and ‘next steps’ tells you what you need to, whether it is to wait patiently for universities to get back to you or to make decisions on your offers.
Universities have until 8th May to respond to all of their applications, which means it could be as late as then.
UCAS Hub vs UCAS Track: Key Differences
UCAS Hub is an online platform that helps students manage their higher education journey, providing personalised resources like course search and personal statement guidance. UCAS Track, a feature within the Hub, monitors the progress of university applications explicitly, allowing students to manage offers and access Clearing if needed.
How to withdraw your application from UCAS Hub?
You cannot withdraw your application on UCAS Hub, you will need to speak to the university directly, who will then be able to withdraw your application for you.
How to reset UCAS Hub password?
If you have lost or otherwise forgotten your UCAS Hub password or username, you can click on the UCAS Password Reset page and you can learn more from there.
This will also help for students who need to reset their UCAS Conservatoire Hub password and your UCAS Conservatoires Hub username.
How long do I have to make a decision about an offer?
The ‘status’ and ‘next steps’ options will inform you if you have any offers and how long you have to respond to these, whether you want to accept or decline them.
What if I change my mind?
If you’ve had a change of heart – it happens to us all! – There are a few options. UCAS Extra is a service from February to June 30th which allows students who haven’t received offers or have declined all of their offers a chance to pick again.
However, this will only be for available vacancies.
When does UCAS Hub update?
Your UCAS Hub will update on the day you receive your results, it is often referred to as UCAS Hub results day.
Once you have received your results, you can use your UCAS Hub sign in and you can see your results from there. A Level Results Day, is very important for your UCAS Hub application.
UCAS Hub is an easy system to get to grips to, if you spend enough time with it.
What does referred mean on UCAS Hub?
Referred on UCAS Hub, means that the university is still considering your application. When you use your UCAS Hub log in, you will be able to see all of the universities that you have applied to that still have you under consideration and their status.
The same can be said for the UCAS Hub app too.

How to sign up for UCAS Hub
When you sign up for UCAS, you will also be signed up for UCAS Hub, as the Hub is part of the overall UCAS package and experience.
What can I do on UCAS Hub?
There are lots of things you can do on UCAS Hub, from viewing decisions, replying to offers, viewing your applications and updating your personal details. You can even change your mind about a university or course, even if you're looking at UCAS Teacher Training Track.
After your application is submitted, you have 7 days where you can switch a choice to a completely different university, college or course. If it is after this time, it isn’t that simple. You will have to decline an offer from a university if you no longer want to go there.
What time does UCAS Hub open and what time does UCAS Hub update?
This depends on the results that you're receiving.
If you're on SQA Results Day, UCAS Apply and Hub opens at 09:00am and for those on A Level Results Day, UCAS Hub opens at 08:00am.
The ‘status’ and ‘next steps’ options will inform you if you have any offers and how long you have to respond to these, whether you want to accept or decline them.
What if I haven’t received any offers yet?
If you haven’t received any offers yet, don’t panic! Make sure you've got the right UCAS Hub login. Universities have until 8th May to respond to all of their applications, which means it could be as late as then.
However, universities won’t respond at the same time so you should check it regularly incase you have received offers!
How to accept an offer on UCAS Hub?
When you log onto UCAS Hub, there will be an option for you to respond to your university offers, the same for if you have to go through UCAS Hub Clearing, this will be right after the login UCAS Hub page - your UCAS Hub number will be there too.
When does UCAS Hub update on IB results day?
When it comes to your International Baccalaureate, the results come out on different days to the rest of the results that a prospective student is likely to receive.
As with A Level Results or SQAs or college results, UCAS receives the results before you do, which allows them to update your login page with them. The chances are that these changes will go live on UCAS Hub at around 09:00am the next day.
What does unsuccessful mean on UCAS Hub?
This will mean that your application has been denied or that your university that you applied to does not wish to offer you a place.
In these instances, you will still be able to apply and be accepted by a number of other universities, especially if you find yourself going through either Clearing or Adjustment.
UCAS Hub is an easy system to get to grips to, if you spend enough time with it. Speak to your teachers and they will be able to help you out as well, as they will have plenty of experience in dealing with UCAS applications and any of the issues that the system can throw up.
UCAS Hub is a lot more powerful than you think and it can be your way to find the course and the university of your dreams!