SQA Results Day 2024
SQA Results Day is on Tuesday 6 August 2024. It’s a stressful day so here’s a simple guide with everything you need to know to calm your nerves.

SQA Results Day is the Scottish Exam Results Day. Students across Scotland will find out their results for National 5, Higher, Advanced Higher and National Progression Awards (better known as NPAs).
When is Scottish (SQA) Results Day?
This year, SQA Results Day is today, Tuesday 6th August 2024, and you'll receive your Scottish Qualification Certificate (SQC) by first-class post.
What time will SQA results come out?
If you signed up to MySQA and are waiting for National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher results, you’ll receive a text or email with your SQA results around 8:00 am.
My results are blank, what do I do?
Today, there have been reports that those receiving their results through MySQA have received blank emails. Don't panic, this doesn't mean you haven't got any results and is a technical error. MySQA is said to be resending these within the next half an hour.
My results haven't arrived yet - what do I do?
While it's very unlikely to happen, there is a chance your results may not arrive. If so, don't panic - this doesn't mean it's bad news and it's likely they just got lost on the way to you!
If this happens to you, contact your college or school directly as they can tell you your results. If there's something wrong with your certificate or it didn't arrive, you can contact the SQA Candidate Advice line.
How do my results compare to others?
The main thing is, you did your best. SQA have shared that the number of pupils achieving an A, B or C grade at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher are down across the board. 77.2% of those taking Higher National 5 received A-C grades. For Advanced Highers, 75.3% of students received A-C grades.
While grades have been down, UCAS reports a 6% increase in Scottish students getting a place at university. If this is you, congratulations! For those who haven't secured a spot at university just yet, we're here for you. Read on to find out more about your options including Clearing.
When do universities confirm my place?
If you have received your SQA Higher results and they are what you need to get into your top university choice, congratulations! If you applied through UCAS, your UCAS status will be updated on your UCAS Hub to tell you your place has been confirmed. Universities will usually confirm your place on SQA Results Day from 8:00 am.

I didn't get the results I needed for university, what do I do next?
You're not alone, many students will miss out on the results they need to get into their firm choice at university. If you don't receive the grades for your firm choice, you'll go to your insurance choice. If you don't receive the results outlined in your insurance choice offer, you can apply through Clearing.
On SQA Results Day, you'll be able to apply for Clearing places from 10 am through UCAS, but nothing is stopping you from exploring your Clearing options before then and contacting universities when their Clearing hotlines open. Typically Clearing hotlines open from 8:00 am on Results Day.
You can be prepared for Clearing and read our guides on what you need for Clearing and how Clearing works. You can explore courses available through Clearing and find universities with Clearing places available here at Uni Compare. Remember, not getting into your first choices doesn't have to mean the end of your university journey!
What if my results are better than expected?
That's great to hear! If you receive grades above your first choice offer and want to see if you can get into a better university, then you can go through the process of self-release. Self-release allows you to decline your place at the university you chose and enter into Clearing. You can then apply to courses available through Clearing.
This isn't something to rush into as you can't change your mind - once you decline your choices, you can't go back on this so take your time in making your decision.
What if I'm away on Results Day?
If you know you won't be home to receive your results in the post, we recommend signing up to MySQA to receive a text or email with your results on the day. To get your results this way, make sure you've signed up before 5 pm Wednesday 17th July 2024.
I'm not happy with my results, what do I do?
It can be hard to receive results that aren't what you expected, especially if they affect your plans for the future. If you don't think your grades are right, you can look into a remark and appeal your grades. The SQA appeal service will open from 9 am on Scottish Exam Results Day and you can find more information on the SQA website.
If you think it's down to a bad exam where you just weren't prepared or panicked, you can always look to retake the exams.
I've changed my mind about university, what can I do?
If you've decided the university or course isn't for you but you still want to go to university, you can always look at what's available through Clearing 2024 and go through the self-release process. If you have your results but don't think university is what you want to do next then, all good, you have some options!
Defer your university entry
If you think it's a timing thing and you may want to go to university at a later date, maybe take a gap year first, you can talk to the university you've been accepted to and see if you can defer your entry to September 2025. It's good to be aware that if you didn't originally apply for deferred entry, this might not be available to you right now.
Take a gap year
Many students decide to take a year out of education to explore their options and have a break. You may take a gap year to do some travelling, gain some industry experience or take on a full-time job. You can then always apply to university again in January 2025 to start in September, or your gap year may help you consider other options if university still doesn't feel right for you.
Look for work
There's nothing to stop you from diving straight into work! Many jobs won't require you to have a degree and you can quickly gain experience in the industry you'd like to work in. You may already have an idea of the work you want to do, so take some time to craft your CV and cover letter and start applying.
Your school will usually be able to help you with this. If know you want to go straight into work but are unsure what career is for you, our career guides can give you a glimpse of what it's like to work in many different jobs.