PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Flying Start Accountancy Personal Statement | Examples | Uni Compare

Submitted by Shay

Flying Start Accountancy Personal Statement | Examples | Uni Compare

Submitted by Shay

Since earning my first hourly wage at fifteen, I became aware of the real value of money and am conscious of how it forms the foundations within our society. So why does our economy operate in the way it does, and how do I fit into this?

Since starting economics as a new subject at A Level, I have broadened my knowledge of macroeconomics, gaining insight into government policies and taxation, sparking my interest into the wider world of finance. To fulfil this curiosity, I took part in work experience at Compass Group's finance and transaction services department, where I gained experience in credit control and audit. This helped me understand the scale of working in corporate business and the demand for quick decision making.

Following the 2016 Brexit vote, I recognised the importance of how international relations may aid economic growth, and I would like to gain deeper knowledge of these areas and how they affect the financial world. I find that this ever-changing, political link to economics is an important aspect of our society which we should aim to keep up to date on; I regularly read articles in the Economist and the Financial Times.

I enjoy the reliable nature of mathematics and its ability to predict future statistics from data; allowing me to improve my diagnostic abilities. Through tutoring younger children in mathematics, I have learnt to vary my approach of explanations to suit the audience. While attending Andrew Oswald's lecture at Warwick University, I was enlightened into a different perspective of the relationship between psychological factors and the economy. Behaviours such as herding and social influence help economists to explain trends - like consumer confidence influencing inflation levels.

By studying computer science, I am able to appreciate the variety of elements needed for a system of staggering complexity to operate smoothly; whether this be a computer monitor or monetary policy. Spending a week at Compass Group in ICT departments helped me understand how each individual aspect within an office must perform in order to work effectively. After attending a young professionals programme at KPMG, I learnt about the variety of career opportunities which could arise from this degree. In teams, I partook in a project advising senior partners which firm to invest in. This task inspired me to look further into a finance career. Additionally, after attending an open day at Willis Towers Watson I gained insight into specific areas of Finance, such as credit control and insurance departments. This gave me broader knowledge of what individuals do on a daily basis.

In addition to school life, I have balanced my time working at Bromsgrove Rugby Club. Here I am faced with demanding customer interaction and frequent money handling. It has helped me perceive economic theories, such as the impact of the minimum wage legislation, in action within the labour and service market. I have gained more insight into the importance of costing and time management by creating my own home cake business 'SomethingSweet' with the aid of social media, following my success at Catering GCSE. By analysing over time, I determined a gap in the market for innovative and bespoke cakes and feel this has blossomed into a successful personal business.

I completed my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh award; teaching me logistical and team building skills. Also, I received High Achiever Awards in maths, science and computing. I enjoy and maintain a healthy lifestyle by attending the gym regularly and keeping a balanced diet. As a study conducted by the Social Market Foundation concluded, we are 12% more productive when we feel happier; which is a statistic I am proud to put to the test! The application and relevance to my everyday life which economic systems hold is of unparalleled importance. I believe the skills I will develop through this degree will enable me to fulfil my aspirations of entering accountancy.

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