Submitted by Ayesha

Biomedical Science

Submitted by Ayesha

Science plays a vital role in improving living standards and is constantly transforming the way we perceive the world. It is a key player in the increased lifespan of humans due to rapid medical advancements. I have realised that with these advancements comes some drawbacks. As people are living longer the effects of age-related ailments and non-communicable diseases become much more evident. This shows that biomedical sciences will always have areas to explore and contribute to. As such, my desire to contribute to this dynamic field has led me to want to study biomedical science and eventually add to its research field.

The aspects of biology I find most interesting include the areas biochemical interactions and anatomy because the phenomena of life and the evolutionary trajectory of humans is truly captivating. I am often driven to carry out independent research. The theories behind non-clinical medicine hold much to be explored for me. I've recently delved into the arguments in favour of stem cell research in preparation for an annual interscholastic science society debate. This enhanced my public speaking skills, debating skills and academic writing skills. The reading I did for this debate furthered my understanding on the methodologies used for scientific research and the process of verification. Something that really opened my eyes to the real world application of science was a medical workshop run by Queen Mary University London.

The science behind kidney transplant surgery and why it can be very complicated to find a match for some individuals, was a particular focal point. I have seen, first-hand, the stress and devastation that my 5-year-old cousin and her family went through whilst waiting for a compatible donor. Its promising that, if approved for human use, desensitisation could be a much more convenient alternative to dialysis and immunosuppressants. Researchers haven't resolved exactly why regenerated antibodies are less likely to attack transplanted organs, but I would love to be knowledgeable with the field once this is further delved into. I've also attended various university open days and taster lectures. One memorable lecture was about the complex biochemistry of a schizophrenic brain at the University of Oxford. The lecture explained the effect of dopamine on the brain and touched upon how excessive dopamine receptors may contribute toward schizophrenia.

Hoping to further understand the underlying causes of reactions in the brain, I read the book "Why Chemical Reactions Happen". One key idea presented is entropy being the tendency of all closed systems to move towards disorder. New studies suggest that consciousness could be a mere side effect of increasing entropy levels in the brain. So by extent, decreasing levels of entropy in the brain could be a factor stimulating irrational schizophrenic thoughts. I like exploring these ideas that connects different topics together and apply theories to real world biomedical problems. Biomedical science is becoming increasingly reliant on computers and programming for efficient data presentation, storage and analysis.

I am an avid programmer and have taught myself basic python using Codecademy and other online resources. So I understand the importance of interdisciplinary reliance for biomedical science. For example, genomic data science is a very programming intense sector of biomedical science, without which analysis of genetics will be incredibly difficult and time consuming to do. I have a passion to help people that struggle with health complications so to make that dream a reality I have acquired numerous skills that would make me a successful academic. This includes the resilience and patience that programming taught me, the ability to express complicated problems in a much simpler manner which I gained through tutoring maths students and the team working skills I have accreted by part taking in various school drama productions.

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