Submitted by Holly

English Language

Submitted by Holly

Institutional inequalities between gender are highly prominent within the modern media; with increasingly influential communiqués it is indispensable to prevent the diffusion of this view to future societies to come. This enthrals me and is my principal motivation to study English Language at university. Last year I focused on the imbalance within the media, underlining the archaic patriarchal ideology of female inferiority that has continued through traditional media to contemporary forms of communication. My primary stimulus for further comprehensive research was Emma Watson’s formidable feminist rights global campaign which sparked my initial curiosity.

My appreciation for language has escalated incalculably during the A-level course; I have found the syllabus extremely enthralling, particularly exploring gender patriarchy. The illusion created by the media is ultimately blinding readers to reality in a way that is subtle yet evident to a linguist. What appears to be a captivating bond can be a false façade yet readers are too invested and immersed in this false persona, such as the use of synthetic personalisation in magazines. I am avid to learn more about child language, enthralled by theorist’s ideas looking at Bruner and Vygotsky,I considered the “LASS and LAD” and the “Zone of Proximal Development” enabling me to assess the importance of caregivers within the acquisition of language and determine the importance of factors which accelerate a child’s grasp of language.

My zealous nature and passion for learning are fundamental principles by which I abide; I am a strong advocate of Shakespeare’s phrase: “Action is Eloquence” through my multitude of extra-curricular activities I have strived for excellence. Over the last two and a half years I have worked at my local theatre showcasing National Operatic Dramatic Association award winning shows and frequently volunteering as an usherette. Furthermore, I have actively pursued a role in the student ran newspaper where I ameliorated my work critically and artistically whereby I added my creative skills into a project. I am also fervent to voice my opinions and therefore demonstrated my passion through the sixth form committee. I give persuasive and enthralling speeches with a confidence which I carry into my performances; I was the 2016 Creative Arts Award winner eliciting my drive, fortitude and allegiance to my work.

Over the last year I have taken on a part-time job working as a freelance entertainer. I thoroughly enjoy my experience in a live work environment, teaching me time management to balance my school work with my jobs keeping a well-structured schedule and confidence to be clear and concise with direct instructions. My versatility is apparent as I can adapt my style of work depending on the chaotic nature of the environment or the criteria of the desired work much like how I adapt my essays to create a convincing and persuasive argument.

Academically, I have participated in two of “The Brilliant Club” schemes achieving a 2:1 with distinction on my Urban Regeneration project in 2015. I completed the anthropology module which relates closely to sociolinguistics on which I thrive, achieving a First.

I work in a three-week summer school, undertake challenges on my Duke of Edinburgh expedition which I have completed at bronze and silver and currently I am working towards gold whereby my initiative and leadership has prospered. Moreover, I have had two weeks’ worth of experience working at a local theatre and a city centre department store. This proved exceedingly valuable as working in a thriving work milieu allowed me to experience multiple areas of working and develop my skill set whilst providing a realistic taste of work life.

My passions extend beyond A-Level, and as such I am eager to pursue studies in Language and Linguistics at university level. The prospect of a demanding course excites me as it would provide an environment in which I can flourish as a student and young adult at the same time as permitting a deeper immersion into, and more rounded understanding of key issues and topics.

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