PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Geography Personal Statement

Geography Personal Statement

‘Geography students hold the key to the world’s problems’ – Michael Palin. I have had a passionate interest in Geography since beginning high school at St. John Plessington; this and many documentaries have influenced my interest with the subject and inspired me to carry on my studies with it. This is a factor that has allowed me to show more enthusiasm in the subject which is exactly why I would enjoy a career relating to Geography.

I look forward to problem solving based learning, such as environmental impacts and sustainability within certain aspects of the course. Helping out with Eco-club with years 7-9 has allowed me to develop an interest within the field of study and improved my communication skills and leadership skills, as I have had to work with multiple students of different ages and abilities.

I am currently studying English Literature, Geography and Psychology. I thoroughly enjoy the challenges and different approaches to learning in all three subjects as they all allow an insight into how I learn. In English there are many group based activities, this has allowed me to grow as a communicator and to take responsibility for the group. Also English has helped grow my analytical skills as the work is based on the reader’s interpretation. Whereas in Geography the subject is based more on independent study which depends on organisation and time management skills, such as research into causes and effects into conflicts. In Psychology lots of the work has been formatted as presentation work, enabling me to establish more confidence and challenge me to do more public speaking activities. For example, my group was tasked with creating a presentation on schizophrenia. In this presentation I prioritised tasks and split the workload between the group, this shows responsibility and leadership style qualities as well as patience to work with others as a team. I enjoy independent research more as it allows me to work at my own pace and to my own standard. It also gives me the freedom and creativity to shape my work to how I want it.

Outside of my studies I play for a local football team which heavily relies on fluent commination and team work as in sports it is an integral part of the game and is the key to success. This helped me develop decision making skills, especially in high pressure situations. One factor contributing to my interest in studying Geography is due to visiting several different courses on open days at John Moores, and being the most interested by Geography.

During my Geography studies, I took part in a field test with my classmates. This involved obtaining data and analysing it within a group. In my work experience at Cammell Laird, I worked as part of a team of naval architectures, this offered valuable insight into the role communication and team work in a heavy industry and allowed for me to have insight into life in a competitive working environment. Outside of education I have developed multiple skills through my part time job in a kitchen showroom which have fluently transferred into my work life; skills such as a hard working ethic that has allowed me to be more responsible and manage my workload properly and efficiently.

As well as a part time job, The Duke of Edinburgh award has helped me to learn about resilience and team leadership. During DofE I have had to volunteer in both a farm to help rear animals and to grow a vegetable patch, these experiences have benefitted me with my outlook on life as I now am a more organised, social and deterministic person with a great work ethic.

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