PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Child Nursing Personal Statement

Child Nursing Personal Statement

Child Nursing requires responsibility, understanding and commitment that can be shown from my experience of taking care of young family members on a regular basis. I was inspired to pursue this career after my sibling experienced an allergic reaction to peanuts; I immediately reacted to this by taking instruction to give him the accurate dosage of antihistamines medication. This episode encouraged me to research the field of Child Nursing.

During my A-Level studies in Psychology and English Language, I had the opportunity to expand my understanding on the functions of the brain and the stages of child development. A fundamental principle that I learnt in Psychology is the importance of forming attachments. I understand that establishing a secure relationship with a child is essential in Nursing, as it is the duty of the Nurse to create a rapport with the patient. Similarly, Psychology has allowed me to recognise the difference in biological, social and behavioural explanations of human functioning thus it motivated me to enhance my knowledge on human functioning. Furthermore, Sociology enabled me to acknowledge that a Nurse should not label a patient due to their illness as it could demoralise them. I am mindful that patients can be from various backgrounds hence there should be no discrimination. In addition, I am aware that the NHS aspire to have high quality of care to ensure that the patients are in a safe and secure environment. I appreciate that respect and dignity should be shown within the NHS to improve the patients’ experience.

My work experience at Olive Primary School has given me the opportunity to work with children from numerous ethnic minorities. From this, I gained the skill of being responsible for young children and understanding their needs. Moreover, by working at the Primary School it allowed me to understand that advanced planning is essential, as it results in running an effective organisation. This helps me realise the importance of planning and preparing for the challenges that I will be facing on a regular basis, as I will need to take responsibility of the different duties carried out within the Nursing departments such as taking bloods, managing the patients’ health and providing physical and emotional support to the patients and their family.

Additionally, I have volunteered for Action on Hearing Loss, which allowed me to interact with people who suffer from hearing impairment. I am now able to communicate with hearing-impaired patients through gestures. I have also completed First Aid training with St John’s Ambulance, which gave me the opportunity to carry out CPR on another individual. This would be essential when examining patients who find it hard to breathe.

Likewise, completing the National Citizen Service allowed me to acquire several skills. Throughout this programme, I have been able to build my confidence through creating, planning and delivering a Dragons’ Den pitch to a large audience. Furthermore, I have learnt the importance of team dynamics as I had the opportunity to work effectively with people who held different values. As well as this, by completing this programme I have been able to tackle many challenges successfully, which is a skill that can be transferred to the role of a Nurse.

Beyond my academic studies, in my free time I like to read books as it allows me to improve my reading and writing skills. This will be beneficial within the Nursing environment when filling out patient profiles and keeping records of their medical needs. Moreover, I like to walk on a regular basis, which allows me to think and relieve stress on a challenging day.

As an individual, I am very hard working and organised, thus I am able to plan and prepare for the work I will be carrying out throughout the Nursing profession. In addition, I am a dedicated individual and capable of being industrious in a work environment. I hope to be an asset on the Nursing course at your esteemed institution.

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